Specification: Jakarta Concurrency

Version: 3.1

Status: FINAL

Release: May 02, 2024

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Jakarta Concurrency Specification, Version 3.1

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1. Introduction

1.1. Overview

Jakarta™ Platform, Enterprise Edition (Jakarta EE) server containers such as the enterprise bean or web component container do not recommend using common Java SE concurrency APIs such as java.lang.Thread or java.util.Timer directly.

The server containers provide runtime support for Jakarta EE application components (such as Jakarta Servlets and Jakarta Enterprise Beans). They provide a layer between application component code and platform services and resources. All application component code is run on a thread managed by a container and each container typically expects all access to container-supplied objects to occur on the same thread.

It is because of this behavior that application components are typically unable to reliably use other Jakarta EE platform services from a thread that is not managed by the container.

Jakarta EE Product Providers (see chapter 2.12 of the Jakarta EE 11 Specification) also discourage the use of resources in a non-managed way, because it can potentially undermine the enterprise features that the platform is designed to provide such as availability, security, and reliability and scalability.

This specification provides a simple, standardized API for using concurrency from Jakarta EE application components without compromising the integrity of the container while still preserving the fundamental benefits of the Jakarta EE platform.

1.2. Goals of this specification

This specification was developed with the following goals in mind:

  • Utilize existing applicable Jakarta EE platform services. Provide a simple yet flexible API for application component providers to design applications using concurrency design principles.

  • Allow Java SE developers a simple migration path to the Jakarta EE platform by providing consistency between the Java SE and Jakarta EE platforms.

  • Allow application component providers to easily add concurrency to existing Jakarta EE applications.

  • Support simple (common) and advanced concurrency patterns without sacrificing usability.

1.3. Other Java Platform and Jakarta Specifications

The following Java Platform and Jakarta specifications are referenced in this document:

  • Concurrency Utilities Specification (JSR-166)

  • Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection

  • Jakarta Connectors

  • Java Platform Standard Edition

  • Jakarta Management

  • Java Naming and Directory Interface TM

  • Jakarta Transactions

  • Jakarta Transaction Service


  • Jakarta Messaging

  • Jakarta Enterprise Beans

1.4. Concurrency Utilities for Java EE Expert Group at the JCP

The original Java EE specification was the result of the collaborative work of the members of the Concurrency Utilities for Java EE Expert Group. The expert group includes the following members: Adam Bien, Marius Bogoevici (RedHat), Cyril Bouteille, Andrew Evers, Anthony Lai (Oracle), Doug Lea, David Lloyd (RedHat), Naresh Revanuru (Oracle), Fred Rowe (IBM Corporation), and Marina Vatkina (Oracle).

We would also like to thank former expert group members for their contribution to this specification, including Jarek Gawor (Apache Software Foundation), Chris D. Johnson (IBM Corporation), Billy Newport (IBM Corporation), Stephan Zachwiega (BEA Systems), Cameron Purdy (Tangosol), Gene Gleyzer (Tangosol), and Pierre VignJras.

1.5. Document Conventions

The regular Times font is used for information that is prescriptive to this specification.

The italic Times font is used for paragraphs that contain descriptive information, such as notes describing typical use, or notes clarifying the text with prescriptive specification.

The Courier font is used for code examples.

2. Overview

The focus of this specification is on providing asynchronous capabilities to Jakarta EE application components. This is largely achieved through extending the Concurrency Utilities API developed under JSR-166 and found in Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE) in the java.util.concurrent package.

The Java SE concurrency utilities provide an API that can be extended to support the majority of the goals defined in section 1.2. Application developers familiar with this API in the Java SE platform can leverage existing code libraries and usage patterns with little modification.

This specification has several aspects:

  • Definition and usage of centralized, manageable java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService objects in a Jakarta EE application server.

  • Usage of Java SE Concurrency Utilities in a Jakarta EE application.

  • Propagation of the Jakarta EE container’s runtime contextual information to other threads.

  • Managing and monitoring the lifecycle of asynchronous operations in a Jakarta EE Application Component.

  • Preserving application integrity.

2.1. Container-Managed vs. Unmanaged Threads

Jakarta EE application servers require resource management in order to centralize administration and protect application components from consuming unneeded resources. This can be achieved through the pooling of resources and managing a resource’s lifecycle. Using Java SE concurrency utilities such as the java.util.concurrent API, java.lang.Thread and java.util.Timer in a server application component such as a servlet or Jakarta Enterprise Bean are problematic since the container and server have no knowledge of these resources.

By extending the java.util.concurrent API, application servers and Jakarta EE containers can become aware of the resources that are used and provide the proper execution context for the asynchronous operations.

This is largely achieved by providing managed versions of the predominant java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService interfaces.

2.2. Application Integrity

Managed environments allow applications to coexist without causing harm to the overall system and isolate application components from one another. Administrators can adjust deployment and runtime settings to provide different qualities of service, provisioning of resources, scheduling of tasks, etc. Jakarta EE containers also provide runtime context services to the application component. When using concurrency utilities such as those in java.util.concurrent, these context services need to be available.

2.3. Container Thread Context

Jakarta EE depends on various context information to be available on the thread when interacting with other Jakarta EE services such as JDBC data sources, Jakarta Messaging providers and Jakarta Enterprise Beans. When using Jakarta EE services from a non-container thread, the following behaviors are required:

  • Saving the application component thread’s container context.

  • Identifying which container contexts to save and propagate.

  • Applying a container context to the current thread.

  • Restoring a thread’s original context.

The types of contexts to be propagated from a contextualizing application component include JNDI naming context, classloader, and security information. Containers must support propagation of these context types. In addition, containers can choose to support propagation of other types of context.

The relationships between the various Jakarta EE architectural elements, containers and concurrency constructs are shown in Figure 2‑1.

Containers (represented here in a single rectangle) provide environments for application components to safely interact with Jakarta EE Standard Services (represented in the rectangles directly below the Enterprise Bean/Web Container rectangle). Four new concurrency services (represented by four orange horizontal rectangles) allow application components and Jakarta EE Standard Services to run asynchronous tasks without violating container contracts.

The arrows in the diagram illustrate various flows from one part of the Jakarta EE platform to another.

image Figure 2‑1 Concurrency Utilities for Jakarta EE Architecture Diagram

2.3.1. Contextual Invocation Points

Container context and management constructs are propagated to component business logic at runtime using various invocation points on well-known interfaces. These invocation points or callback methods, hereby known as "tasks" will be referred to throughout the specification:

  • java.util.concurrent.Callable

    • call()

  • java.lang.Runnable

    • run()

  • java.util.function.BiConsumer

    • accept(T, U)

  • java.util.function.BiFunction

    • apply(T, U)

  • java.util.function.Consumer

    • accept(T)

  • java.util.function.Function

    • apply(T)

  • java.util.function.Supplier

    • get() Flow Contextual Invocation Points

The java.util.concurrent.Flow class provides interfaces for establishing flow-controlled components. Container context and management constructs are also propagated to methods on the java.util.concurrent.Flow.Subscriber interface, including the inherited methods in java.util.concurrent.Flow.Processor. Optional Contextual Invocation Points

The following callback methods run with unspecified context by default, but may be configured as contextual invocation points if desired:

  • jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedTaskListener

    • taskAborted()

    • taskSubmitted()

    • taskStarting()

  • jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.Trigger

    • getNextRunTime()

    • skipRun()

It is not required that container context be propagated to the threads that invoke these methods. This is to avoid the overhead of setting up the container context when it may not be needed in these callback methods. These methods can be made contextual through the ContextService (see following sections), which can make any Java object contextual.

2.3.2. Contextual Objects and Tasks

Tasks are concrete implementations of the Java SE java.util.concurrent.Callable and java.lang.Runnable interfaces (see the Javadoc for java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService) as well as the various functional interfaces that serve as completion stage actions (see the JavaDoc for java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage). Tasks are units of work that represent a computation or some business logic.

A contextual object is any Java object instance that has a particular application component’s thread context associated with it (for example, user identity).

Contextual Objects and Tasks referred here is not the same as the Context object as defined in the Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection specification. See section on using CDI beans as tasks.

When a task instance is submitted to a managed instance of an ExecutorService or a managed CompletionStage, the task becomes a contextual task. When the contextual task runs, the task behaves as if it were still running in the container it was submitted with.

Contextual Task

Figure 2‑2 Contextual Task Tasks and Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection (CDI)

CDI beans can be used as tasks. Such tasks could make use of injection if they are themselves components or are created dynamically using various CDI APIs. However, application developers should be aware of the following when using CDI beans as tasks:

  • Tasks that are submitted to a managed instance of ExecutorService may still be running after the lifecycle of the submitting component. Therefore, CDI beans with a scope of @RequestScoped, @SessionScoped, or @ConversationScoped are not recommended to use as tasks as it cannot be guaranteed that the tasks will complete before the CDI context is destroyed.

  • CDI beans with a scope of @ApplicationScoped or @Dependent can be used as tasks. However, it is still possible that the task could be running beyond the lifecycle of the submitting component, such as when the component is destroyed.

  • The transitive closure of CDI beans that are injected into tasks should follow the above guidelines regarding their scopes.

2.4. Usage with Jakarta Connectors

The Jakarta Connectors allows creating resource adapters that can plug into any compatible Jakarta EE application server. The Connectors specification provides a WorkManager interface that allows asynchronous processing for the resource adapter. It does not provide a mechanism for Jakarta EE applications to interact with an adapter’s WorkManager.

This specification addresses the need for Jakarta EE applications to run application business logic asynchronously using a jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedExecutorService or java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService with a jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedThreadFactory. It is the intent that Connectors jakarta.resource.work.WorkManager implementations may choose to utilize or wrap the java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService or other functionalities within this specification when appropriate.

Resource Adapters can access each of the Managed Objects described in the following sections by looking them up in the JNDI global namespace, through the JNDI context of the accessing application (see section 11.3.2 of the Jakarta Connectors specification).

2.5. Security

This specification largely defers most security decisions to the container and Jakarta EE Product Provider as defined in the Jakarta EE Specification.

If the container supports a security context, the Jakarta EE Product Provider must propagate that security context to the thread of execution.

Application Component Providers should use the interfaces provided in this specification when interacting with threads. If the Jakarta EE Product Provider has implemented a security manager, some operations may not be allowed.

3. Managed Objects

This section introduces four programming interfaces for Jakarta EE Product Providers to implement (see EE.2.12 for a detailed definition of each of the roles described here). Instances of these interfaces must be made available to application components through containers as managed objects:

  • Section 3.1, "ManagedExecutorService" –The interface for submitting asynchronous tasks from a container.

  • Section 3.2, "ManagedScheduledExecutorService" – The interface for scheduling tasks to run after a given delay or execute periodically.

  • Section 3.3, "ContextService" – The interface for creating contextual objects.

  • Section 3.4, "ManagedThreadFactory" – The interface for creating managed threads.

3.1. ManagedExecutorService

The jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedExecutorService is an interface that extends the java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService interface. Jakarta EE Product Providers provide implementations of this interface to allow application components to run tasks asynchronously.

3.1.1. Application Component Provider’s Responsibilities

Application Component Providers (application developers) (EE2.12.2) use a ManagedExecutorService instance and associated interfaces to develop application components that utilize the concurrency functions that these interfaces provide.

The application uses the jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedExecutorDefinition annotation to define instances of ManagedExecutorService and enumerate the required qualifiers for ManagedExecutorService injection points that are to receive a ManagedExecutorService bean that is produced by the ManagedExecutorDefinition.

Applications can also retrieve instances using the Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) Naming Context (EE.5) or through injection of resource environment references (EE.

The Application Component Provider may use resource environment references to obtain references to a ManagedExecutorService instance as follows:

  • Assign an entry in the application component’s environment to the reference using the reference type of: jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedExecutorService. (See EE. for information on how resource environment references are declared in the deployment descriptor.)

  • Look up the managed object in the application component’s environment using JNDI (EE.5.2), or through resource injection by the use of the Resource annotation (EE.

This specification recommends, but does not require, that all resource environment references be organized in the appropriate subcontext of the component’s environment for the resource type. For example, all ManagedExecutorService references should be bound in the java:comp/env/concurrent subcontext.

Components create task classes by implementing the java.lang.Runnable or java.util.concurrent.Callable interfaces, or any of the functional interfaces that can be supplied to a java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage. These task classes are typically stored with the Jakarta EE application component.

Task classes can optionally implement the jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedTask interface to provide execution properties and to register a jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedTaskListener instance to receive lifecycle events notifications. Execution properties allow configuration and control of various aspects of the task including whether to suspend any current transaction on the thread and to provide identity information.

Task instances are submitted to a ManagedExecutorService instance using any of the defined submit(), execute(), invokeAll(), invokeAny(), runAsync(), or supplyAsync() methods. Task instances can also be submitted to a CompletionStage that is backed by a ManagedExecutorService. Task instances will run as an extension of the Jakarta EE container instance that submitted the task and may interact with Jakarta EE resources as defined in other sections of this specification.

It is important for Application Component Providers to identify and document the required behaviors and service-level agreements for each required ManagedExecutorService. The following example illustrates how the component can describe and utilize multiple executors. Usage Example

In this example, an application component is performing two asynchronous operations from a servlet. One operation (reporter) is starting a task to generate a long running report. The other operations are short-running tasks that parallelize access to different back-end databases (builders).

Since each type of task has a completely different run profile, it makes sense to use two different ManagedExecutorService resource environment references. The attributes of each reference are documented using the <description> tag within the deployment descriptor of the application component and later mapped by the Deployer.

Reporter Task

The Reporter Task is a long-running task that communicates with a database to generate a report. The task is run asynchronously using a ManagedExecutorService. The client can then poll the server for the results.

Resource Environment Reference - Reporter Task

The following resource environment reference is added to the web.xml file for the web component. The description reflects the desired configuration attributes (see ). Alternatively, the Resource annotation can be used in the Servlet code.

Using the description for documenting the configuration attributes of the managed object is optional. The format used here is only an example. Future revisions of Jakarta EE specifications may formalize usages such as this.

    This executor is used for the application’s reporter task.
    This executor has the following requirements:
    Context Info: Local Namespace
Task Definition – Reporter Task

The task itself simply uses a resource-reference to a JDBC data source, and uses a connect/use/close pattern when invoking the data source.

public class ReporterTask implements Runnable {
  String reportName;

  public ReporterTask(String reportName) {
    this.reportName = reportName;

public void run() {
  // Run the named report
  if("TransactionReport".equals(reportName)) {
  else if("SummaryReport".equals(reportName)) {

DataSource ds = ;

void runTransactionReport() {
  try (Connection con = ds.getConnection(); ...) {

    // Read/Write the data using our connection.
    // Commit.
Task Submission – Reporter Task

The task is started by an HTTP client connecting to a servlet. The client specifies the report name and other parameters to run. The handle to the task (the Future) is cached so that the client can query the results of the report. The Future will contain the results once the task has completed.

public class AppServlet extends HTTPServlet implements Servlet {

  // Cache our executor instance
  ManagedExecutorService mes;

  protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException {

    // Get the name of the report to run from the input params...
    // Assemble the header for the response.
    // Create a task instance
    ReporterTask reporterTask = new ReporterTask(reportName);

    // Submit the task to the ManagedExecutorService
    Future reportFuture = mes.submit(reporterTask);

    // Cache the future somewhere (like the client's session)
    // The client can then poll the servlet to determine
    // the status of the report.

    // Tell the user that the report has been submitted.
Builder Tasks

This servlet accesses two different data sources and aggregates the results before returning the page contents to the user. Instead of accessing the data synchronously, it is instead done in parallel using two different tasks.

Resource Environment Reference – Builder Tasks

The following resource environment reference is added to the web.xml file for the web component. The description reflects the desired configuration attributes (see ). Alternatively, the Resource annotation can be used in the Servlet code:

Using the description for documenting the configuration attributes of the managed object is optional. The format used here is only an example. Future revisions of Jakarta EE specifications may formalize usages such as this.

    This executor is used for the application’s builder tasks.
    This executor has the following requirements:
    Context Info: Local Namespace, Security
Task Definition – Builder Tasks

The task itself simply uses some mechanism such as JDBC queries to retrieve the data from the persistent store. The task implements the jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedTask interface and supplies an identifiable name through the IDENTITY_NAME property to allow system administrators to diagnose problems.

public class AccountTask implements Callable<AccountInfo>, ManagedTask
  // The ID of the request to report on demand.
  String reqID;

  String accountID;
  Map<String, String> execProps;

  public AccountTask(String reqID, String accountID) {
    execProps = new HashMap<>();
    execProps.put(ManagedTask.IDENTITY_NAME, getIdentityName());

  public AccountInfo call() {

    // Retrieve account info for the account from some persistent store
    AccountInfo info = ...;
    return info;

  public String getIdentityName() {
    return "AccountTask: ReqID=" + reqID + ", Acct=" + accountID;

  public Map<String, String> getExecutionProperties() {
    return execProps;

  public ManagedTaskListener getManagedTaskListener() {
    return null;

public class InsuranceTask implements Callable<InsuranceInfo>, ManagedTask {

  // The ID of the request to report on demand.
  String reqID

  String accountID;
  Map<String, String> execProps;

  public InsuranceTask (String reqID, String accountID) {
    execProps = new HashMap<>();

    execProps.put(ManagedTask.IDENTITY_NAME, getIdentityName());

  public InsuranceInfo call() {
    // Retrieve the insurance info for the account from some persistent store
    InsuranceInfo info = ...;
    return info;

  public String getIdentityName() {
    return "InsuranceTask: ReqID=" + reqID + ", Acct=" + accountID;

  public Map<String, String> getExecutionProperties()
    return execProps;

  public ManagedTaskListener getManagedTaskListener() {
    return null;
Task Invocation – Builder Tasks

Tasks are created on demand by a request to the servlet from an HTTP client.

public class AppServlet extends HttpServlet implements Servlet {

  // Retrieve our executor instance.
  ManagedExecutorService mes;

  protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException {
    // Get our arguments from the request (accountNumber and
    // requestID, in this case.
    // Assemble the header for the response.
    // Create and submit the task instances

    Future<AccountInfo> acctFuture = mes.submit(new AccountTask(reqID, accountID));

    Future<InsuranceInfo> insFuture = mes.submit (new InsuranceTask(reqID, accountID));

    // Wait for the results.
    AccountInfo accountInfo = acctFuture.get();
    InsuranceInfo insInfo = insFuture.get();

    // Process the results

3.1.2. Application Assembler’s Responsibilities

The Application Assembler (EE.2.12.3) is responsible for assembling the application components into a complete Jakarta EE application and providing assembly instructions that describe the dependencies to the managed objects.

3.1.3. Deployer’s Responsibilities

The Deployer (EE.2.12.4) is responsible for deploying the application components into a specific operational environment. In the terms of this specification, the Deployer installs the application components and maps the dependencies defined by the Application Component Provider and Application Assembler to managed objects with the properly defined attributes. See EE.5.8.2 for details.

3.1.4. Jakarta EE Product Provider’s Responsibilities

The Jakarta EE Product Provider’s responsibilities are as defined in EE.5.8.3.

Jakarta EE Product Providers may include other contexts (e.g. Locale) that may be propagated to a task or a thread that invokes the callback methods in the jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedTaskListener interface. ManagedExecutorService implementations may add any additional contexts and provide the means for configuration of those contexts in any way so long as these contexts do not violate the required aspects of this specification.

The following section illustrates some possible configuration options that a Jakarta EE Product Provider may want to provide. ManagedExecutorService Configuration Attributes

Each ManagedExecutorService may support one or more runtime behaviors as specified by configuration attributes. The Jakarta EE Product Provider will determine both the appropriate attributes and the means of configuring those attributes for their product. Configuration Examples

This section and subsections illustrate some examples of how a Jakarta EE Product Provider could configure a ManagedExecutorService and the possible options that such a service could provide.

Providers may choose a more simplistic approach, or may choose to add more functionality, such as a higher quality-of-service, persistence, task partitioning or shared thread pools.

Each of the examples has the following attributes:

  • Name: An arbitrary name of the service for the deployer to use as a reference.

  • JNDI name: The arbitrary, but required, name to identify the service instance. The deployer uses this value to map the service to the component’s resource environment reference.

  • Context: A reference to a ContextService instance (see section 3.3). The context service can be used to define the context to propagate to the threads when running tasks. Having more than one ContextService, each with a different policy may be desirable for some implementations. If both Context and ThreadFactory attributes are specified, the Context attribute of the ThreadFactory configuration should be ignored.

  • ThreadFactory: A reference to a ManagedThreadFactory instance (see section 3.4). The ManagedThreadFactory instance can create threads with different attributes (such as priority).

  • Thread Use: If the application intends to run short vs. long-running tasks they can specify to use pooled or daemon threads.

  • Hung Task Threshold: The amount of time in milliseconds that a task can execute before it is considered hung.

  • Pool Info: If the executor is a thread pool, then the various thread pool attributes can be defined (this is based on the attributes for the Java java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor class):

    •  Core Size: The number of threads to keep in the pool, even if they are idle.

    •  Maximum Size: The maximum number of threads to allow in the pool (could be unbounded).

    •  Keep Alive: The time to allow threads to remain idle when the number of threads is greater than the core size.

    •  Work Queue Capacity: The number of tasks that can be stored in the input bounded buffer (could be unbounded).

  • Reject Policy: The policy to use when a task is to be rejected by the executor. In this example, two policies are available:

    • Abort: Throw an exception when rejected.

    • Retry and Abort: Automatically resubmit to another instance and abort if it fails.

Typical Thread Pool

The Typical Thread Pool illustrates a common configuration for an application server with few applications. Each application expects to run a small number of short-duration tasks in the local process.



Typical Thread Pool

JNDI Name:




Thread Factory:


Hung Task Threshold

60000 ms

Pool Info:

Core Size: 5

Max Size: 25

Keep Alive: 5000 ms

Work Queue: 15


Reject Policy

  • Abort

  • Retry and Abort

##Table : Typical Thread Pool Configuration Example

Thread Pool for Long-Running Tasks

This executor describes a configuration in which the executor is used to run a few long-running tasks in the local process. In this example the task can run up to 24 hours before it is considered hung.



Long-Running Tasks Thread Pool

JNDI Name:




Thread Factory:


Hung Task Threshold

24 hours

Pool Info:

Core Size: 0

Max Size: 5

Keep Alive: 1000 ms

Work Queue: 5


Reject Policy

  • Abort

  • Retry and Abort

##Table : Long-Running Tasks Thread Pool Configuration Example

OLTP Thread Pool

The OLTP (On-Line Transaction Processing) Thread Pool executor uses a thread pool with many more threads and a low hung-task threshold. It also uses a thread factory that creates threads with a slightly higher priority and a ContextService with a limited amount of context information.



Shared OLTP Thread Pool

JNDI Name:




Thread Factory:


Hung Task Threshold

20000 ms

Pool Info:

Core Size: 100

Max Size: 250

Keep Alive: 10000 ms

Work Queue: 100


Reject Policy

  • Abort

  • Retry and Abort

##Table : OLTP Thread Pool Configuration Example Default ManagedExecutorService

The Jakarta EE Product Provider must provide a preconfigured, default ManagedExecutorService for use by application components under the JNDI name java:comp/DefaultManagedExecutorService. The types of contexts to be propagated by this default ManagedExecutorService from a contextualizing application component must include naming context, classloader, and security information.

The Jakarta EE Product Provider must inject the default ManagedExecutorService into injection points of ManagedExecutorService that do not have any qualifiers except for where the application provides the producer, in which case the application’s producer takes precedence.

3.1.5. System Administrator’s Responsibilities

The System Administrator (EE.2.12.5) is responsible for monitoring and overseeing the runtime environment. In the scope of this specification, these duties may include:

  • monitoring for hung tasks

  • monitoring resource usage (for example, threads and memory)

3.1.6. Lifecycle

The lifecycle of ManagedExecutorService instances are centrally managed by the application server and cannot be changed by an application.

A ManagedExecutorService instance is intended to be used by multiple components and applications. When the executor runs a task, the context of the thread is changed to match the component instance that submitted the task. The context is then restored when the task is complete.

In Figure 3‑1, a single ManagedExecutorService instance is used to run tasks (in blue) from multiple application components (each denoted in a different color). Each task, when submitted to the ManagedExecutorService automatically retains the context of the submitting component and it becomes a Contextual Task. When the ManagedExecutorService runs the task, the task would be run in the context of the submitting component (as noted by different colored boxes in the figure).

Managed Thread Pool Executor Component Relationship Figure 3‑1 Managed Thread Pool Executor Component Relationship

ManagedExecutorService instances may be terminated or suspended by the application server when applications or components are stopped or the application server itself is shutting down. Jakarta EE Product Provider Requirements

This subsection describes additional requirements for ManagedExecutorService providers.

  1. All tasks, when executed from the ManagedExecutorService, will run with the Jakarta EE component identity of the component that submitted the task.

  2. The lifecycle of a ManagedExecutorService is managed by an application server. All lifecycle operations on the ManagedExecutorService interface will throw a java.lang.IllegalStateException exception. This includes the following methods that are defined in the java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService interface: awaitTermination(), isShutdown(), isTerminated(), shutdown(), and shutdownNow().

  3. No task submitted to an executor can run if task’s component is not started.

When a ManagedExecutorService instance is being shutdown by the Jakarta EE Product Provider:

  1. All attempts to submit new tasks are rejected.

  2. All submitted tasks are cancelled if not running.

  3. All running task threads are interrupted.

  4. All registered ManagedTaskListeners are invoked.

3.1.7. Quality of Service

ManagedExecutorService implementations must support the at-most-once quality of service. The at-most-once quality of service guarantees that a task will run at most one time. This quality of service is the most efficient method to run tasks. Tasks submitted to an executor with this quality of service are transient in nature, are not persisted, and do not survive process restarts.

Other qualities of service are allowed, but are not addressed in this specification.

3.1.8. Transaction Management

ManagedExecutorService implementations must support user-managed global transaction demarcation using the jakarta.transaction.UserTransaction interface, which is described in the Jakarta Transactions specification. User-managed transactions allow components to manually control global transaction demarcation boundaries. Task implementations may optionally begin, commit, and roll-back a transaction. See EE.4 for details on transaction management in Jakarta EE.

Task instances are run outside of the scope of the transaction of the submitting thread. Any transaction active in the executing thread will be suspended. Jakarta EE Product Provider Requirements

This subsection describes the transaction management requirements of a ManagedExecutorService implementation.

  1. The jakarta.transaction.UserTransaction interface must be made available in the local JNDI namespace as environment entry: java:comp/UserTransaction (EE.5.10 and EE.

  2. All resource managers must enlist with a UserTransaction instance when a transaction is active using the begin() method.

  3. The executor is responsible for coordinating commits and rollbacks when the transaction ends using commit() and rollback() methods.

  4. A task must have the same ability to use transactions as the component submitting the tasks. For example, tasks are allowed to call transactional enterprise beans, and managed beans that use the @Transactional interceptor as defined in the Jakarta Transactions specification. Application Component Provider’s Requirements

This subsection describes the transaction management requirements of each task provider’s implementation.

  1. A task instance that starts a transaction must complete the transaction before starting a new transaction.

  2. The task provider uses the jakarta.transaction.UserTransaction interface to demarcate transactions.

  3. Transactions are demarcated using the begin(), commit() and rollback() methods of the UserTransaction interface.

  4. While an instance is in an active transaction, resource-specific transaction demarcation APIs must not be used (e.g., if a java.sql.Connection is enlisted in the transaction instance, the Connection.commit() and Connection.rollback() methods must not be used).

  5. The task instance must complete the transaction before the task method ends.

UserTransaction Usage Example

The following example illustrates how a task can interact with two XA-capable resources in a single transaction:

public class TranTask implements Runnable {

  UserTransaction ut = ;

  public void run() {

    // Start a transaction

    // Invoke an Jakarta Enterprise Bean

    Update a database using an XA capable JDBC DataSource

    // Commit the transaction

3.2. ManagedScheduledExecutorService

The jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedScheduledExecutorService is an interface that extends the java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService and jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedExecutorService interfaces. Jakarta EE Product Providers provide implementations of this interface to allow applications to run tasks at specified and periodic times.

The ManagedScheduledExecutorService offers the same managed semantics as the ManagedExecutorService and includes the delay and periodic task running capabilities that the ScheduledExecutorService interface provides with the addition of Trigger and ManagedTaskListener.

3.2.1. Application Component Provider’s Responsibilities

Application Component Providers (application developers) (EE2.12.2) use a ManagedScheduledExecutorService instance and associated interfaces to develop application components that utilize the concurrency functions that these interfaces provide.

The application uses the jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedScheduledExecutorDefinition annotation to define instances of ManagedScheduledExecutorService and enumerate the required qualifiers for ManagedScheduledExecutorService injection points that are to receive a ManagedScheduledExecutorService bean that is produced by the ManagedScheduledExecutorDefinition.

Applications can also retrieve instances using the Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) Naming Context (EE.5.2) or through injection of resource environment references (EE.

The Application Component Provider may use resource environment references to obtain references to a ManagedScheduledExecutorService instance as follows:

  • Assign an entry in the application component’s environment to the reference using the reference type of: jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedScheduledExecutorService. (See EE. for information on how resource environment references are declared in the deployment descriptor.)

  • Look up the managed object in the application component’s environment using JNDI (EE.5.2), or through resource injection by the use of the @Resource annotation (EE.

This specification recommends, but does not require, that all resource environment references be organized in the appropriate subcontext of the component’s environment for the resource type. For example, all ManagedScheduledExecutorService references should be declared in the java:comp/env/concurrent subcontext.

Components create task classes by implementing the java.lang.Runnable or java.util.concurrent.Callable interfaces. These task classes are typically stored with the Jakarta EE application component.

Task instances are submitted to a ManagedScheduledExecutorService instance using any of the defined submit(), execute(), invokeAll(), invokeAny(), runAsync(), supplyAsync(), schedule(), scheduleAtFixedRate(), or scheduleWithFixedDelay() methods. Task instances can also be submitted to a CompletionStage that is backed by a ManagedScheduledExecutorService. Task instances will run as an extension of the Jakarta EE container instance that submitted the task and may interact with Jakarta EE resources as defined in other sections of this specification.

Task classes can optionally implement the jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedTask interface to provide execution properties and to register a jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedTaskListener instance to receive lifecycle events notifications. Execution properties allow configuration and control of various aspects of the task including whether to suspend any current transaction on the thread and to provide identity information.

It is important for Application Component Providers to identify and document the required behaviors and service-level agreements for each required ManagedScheduledExecutorService. The following example illustrates how the component can describe and utilize a ManagedScheduledExecutorService. Usage Example

In this example, an application component wants to use a timer to periodically write in-memory events to a database log.

The attributes of the ManagedScheduledExecutorService reference are documented using the <description> tag within the deployment descriptor of the application component and later mapped by the Deployer.

Logger Timer Task

The Logger Timer Task is a short-running, periodic task that has the same lifecycle as the servlet. It periodically wakes up and dumps a queue’s contents to a database log. Its lifecycle is controlled using a jakarta.servlet.ServletContextListener.

Resource Environment Reference

The following resource environment reference is added to the web.xml file for the web component. The description reflects the desired configuration attributes (see ). Alternatively, the Resource annotation can be used in the Servlet code.

Using the description for documenting the configuration attributes of the managed object is optional. The format used here is only an example. Future revisions of Jakarta EE specifications may formalize usages such as this.

    This executor is used for the application’s logger task.
    This executor has the following requirements:
    Context Info: Local Namespace
Task Definition

The task itself simply uses a resource-reference to a JDBC data source, and uses a connect/use/close pattern when invoking the data source.

public class LoggerTimer implements Runnable {
  DataSource ds = ...;

  public void run() {
    logEvents(getData(), ds);

  void logEvents(Collection data, DataSource ds) {

    // Iterate through the data and log each row.
    for (...) {
      try (Connection con = ds.getConnection(); ...) {

        // Write the data using our connection.

        // Commit.
Task Submission

The task is started and stopped by a jakarta.servlet.ServletContextListener.

public class CtxListener implements ServletContextListener {

  Future loggerHandle = null;

  ManagedScheduledExecutorService mes;

  public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent scEvent) {
    LoggerTimer logger = new LoggerTimer();
    loggerHandle = mes.scheduleAtFixedRate(logger, 5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

  public void contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent scEvent) {

    // Cancel and interrupt our logger task
    if(loggerHandle!=null) {

3.2.2. Application Assembler’s Responsibilities

The Application Assembler (EE.2.12.3) is responsible for assembling the application components into a complete Jakarta EE Application and providing assembly instructions that describe the dependencies to the managed objects.

3.2.3. Deployer’s Responsibilities

The Deployer (EE.2.12.4) is responsible for deploying the application components into a specific operational environment. In the terms of this specification, the Deployer installs the application components and maps the dependencies defined by the Application Component Provider and Application Assembler to managed objects with the properly defined attributes. See EE.5.8.2 for details.

3.2.4. Jakarta EE Product Provider’s Responsibilities

The Jakarta EE Product Provider’s responsibilities are as defined in EE.5.8.3.

Jakarta EE Product Providers may include other contexts that may be propagated to a task or jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedTaskListener thread (e.g. Locale). ManagedScheduledExecutorService implementations may add any additional contexts and provide the means for configuration of those contexts in any way so long as these contexts do not violate the required aspects of this specification.

The following section illustrates some possible configuration options that a Jakarta EE Product Provider may want to provide. ManagedScheduledExecutorService Configuration Attributes

Each ManagedScheduledExecutorService may support one or more runtime behaviors as specified by configuration attributes. The Jakarta EE Product Provider will determine both the appropriate attributes and the means of configuring those attributes for their product. Configuration Examples

This section and subsections illustrate some examples of how a Jakarta EE Product Provider could configure a ManagedScheduledExecutorService and the possible options that such a service could provide.

Providers may choose a more simplistic approach, or may choose to add more functionality, such as a higher quality-of-service or persistence.

Each of the examples has the following attributes:

  • Name: An arbitrary name of the service for the deployer to use as a reference.

  • JNDI name: The arbitrary, but required, name to identify the service instance. The deployer uses this value to map the service to the component’s resource environment reference.

  • Context: A reference to a ContextService instance (see section 3.3). The context service can be used to define the context to propagate to the threads when running tasks. Having multiple ContextService instances, each with a different policy, may be desirable for some implementations. If both Context and ThreadFactory attributes are specified, the Context attribute of the ThreadFactory configuration should be ignored.

  • ThreadFactory: A reference to a ManagedThreadFactory instance (see section 3.4). The managed ThreadFactory instance can create threads with different attributes (such as priority).

  • Thread Use: If the application intends to run short vs. long-running tasks they can specify to use pooled or daemon threads.

  • Hung Task Threshold: The amount of time in milliseconds that a task can execute before it is considered hung.

  • Pool Info: If the executor is a thread pool, then the various thread pool attributes can be defined (this is based on the attributes for the Java java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor class):

    • Core Size: The number of threads to keep in the pool, even if they are idle.

    • Maximum Size: The maximum number of threads to allow in the pool (could be unbounded).

    • Keep Alive: The time to allow threads to remain idle when the number of threads is greater than the core size.

  • Reject Policy: The policy to use when a task is to be rejected by the executor. In this example, two policies are available:

    • Abort: Throw an exception when rejected.

    • Retry and Abort: Automatically resubmit to another instance and abort if it fails.

Typical Timer

This example describes a typical configuration for a ManagedScheduledExecutorService that uses a bounded thread pool. Only 10 timers can run simultaneously and are considered hung if they have run more than 5 seconds. An executor such as this can be shared between applications and is designed to run very short-duration tasks, for example, marking a transaction to roll back after a timeout.



Typical Timer

JNDI Name:




Thread Factory:


Thread Use:

  • Pooled

  • Daemon

Hung Task Threshold

5000 ms

Pool Info:

Core Size: 2

Max Size: 10

Keep Alive: 3000 ms

Reject Policy

  • Abort

  • Retry and Abort

##Table : Typical Timer Configuration Example Default ManagedScheduledExecutorService

The Jakarta EE Product Provider must provide a preconfigured, default ManagedScheduledExecutorService for use by application components under the JNDI name java:comp/DefaultManagedScheduledExecutorService. The types of contexts to be propagated by this default ManagedScheduledExecutorService from a contextualizing application component must include naming context, class loader, and security information.

The Jakarta EE Product Provider must inject the default ManagedScheduledExecutorService into injection points of ManagedScheduledExecutorService that do not have any qualifiers except for where the application provides the producer, in which case the application’s producer takes precedence.

3.2.5. System Administrator’s Responsibilities

The System Administrator (EE.2.12.5) is responsible for monitoring and overseeing the runtime environment. In the scope of this specification, these duties may include:

  • Monitoring for hung tasks.

  • Monitoring resource usage (for example, threads and memory).

3.2.6. Lifecycle

The lifecycle of ManagedScheduledExecutorService instances are centrally managed by the application server and cannot be changed by an application.

A ManagedScheduledExecutorService instance can be used by multiple components and applications. When the executor runs a task, the context of the thread is changed to match the component instance that submitted the task. The context is then restored when the task is complete. See Figure 3‑1 Managed Thread Pool Executor Component Relationship.

ManagedScheduledExecutorService instances may be terminated or suspended by the application server when applications or components are stopped or the application server itself is shutting down. Jakarta EE Product Provider Requirements

This subsection describes requirements for ManagedScheduledExecutorService providers.

  1. All tasks, when executed from the ManagedScheduledExecutorService, will run with the context of the application component that submitted the task.

  2. The lifecycle of a ManagedScheduledExecutorService is managed by an application server. All lifecycle operations on the ManagedScheduledExecutorService interface will throw a java.lang.IllegalStateException exception. This includes the following methods that are defined in the java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService interface: awaitTermination(), isShutdown(), isTerminated(), shutdown(), and shutdownNow().

  3. All tasks submitted to an executor must not run if task’s component is not started.

When a ManagedScheduledExecutorService instance is being shutdown by the Jakarta EE Product Provider:

  1. All attempts to submit new tasks are rejected.

  2. All submitted tasks are cancelled if not running.

  3. All running task threads are interrupted.

  4. All registered ManagedTaskListeners are invoked.

3.2.7. Quality of Service

ManagedScheduledExecutorService implementations must support the at-most-once quality of service. The at-most-once quality of service guarantees that a task will run at most, one time. This quality of service is the most efficient method to run tasks. Tasks submitted to an executor with this quality of service are transient in nature, are not persisted, and do not survive process restarts.

Other qualities of service are allowed, but are not addressed in this specification.

3.2.8. Transaction Management

ManagedScheduledExecutorService implementations must support user-managed global transaction demarcation using the jakarta.transaction.UserTransaction interface, which is described in the Jakarta Transactions specification. User-managed transactions allow components to manually control global transaction demarcation boundaries. Task implementations may optionally begin, commit, and roll-back a transaction. See EE.4 for details on transaction management in Jakarta EE.

Task instances are run outside of the scope of the transaction of the submitting thread. Any transaction active in the executing thread will be suspended. Jakarta EE Product Provider Requirements

This subsection describes the transaction management requirements of a ManagedScheduledExecutorService implementation.

  1. The jakarta.transaction.UserTransaction interface must be made available in the local JNDI namespace as environment entry: java:comp/UserTransaction (J2EE.5.7 and J2EE.

  2. All resource managers must enlist with a UserTransaction instance when a transaction is active using the begin() method.

  3. The executor is responsible for coordinating commits and rollbacks when the transaction ends using commit() and rollback() methods.

  4. A task must have the same ability to use transactions as the component submitting the tasks. For example, tasks are allowed to call transactional enterprise beans, and managed beans that use the @Transactional interceptor as defined in the Jakarta Transactions specification. Application Component Provider’s Requirements

This subsection describes the transaction management requirements of each task provider’s implementation.

  1. A task instance that starts a transaction must complete the transaction before starting a new transaction.

  2. The task provider uses the jakarta.transaction.UserTransaction interface to demarcate transactions.

  3. Transactions are demarcated using the begin(), commit() and rollback() methods of the UserTransaction interface.

  4. While an instance is in an active transaction, resource-specific transaction demarcation APIs must not be used (e.g., if a java.sql.Connection is enlisted in the transaction instance, the Connection.commit() and Connection.rollback() methods must not be used).

  5. The task instance must complete the transaction before the task method ends.

See the example titled UserTransaction Usage Example under section for an example on how to use a UserTransaction within a task.

3.3. ContextService

The jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ContextService allows applications to create contextual objects without using a managed executor. The ContextService uses the dynamic proxy capabilities found in the java.lang.reflect package or creates proxy instances in a non-dynamic manner to associate the application component container context with an object instance. The object becomes a contextual object (see section 2.3.2) and whenever a method on the contextual object is invoked, the method executes with the thread context of the associated application component instance.

Contextual objects allow application components to develop a wide variety of applications and services that are not normally possible in the Jakarta EE platform, such as workflow systems. When used in conjunction with a ManagedThreadFactory, customized Java SE platform ExecutorService implementations can be used.

The ContextService also allows non-Jakarta EE service callbacks (such as Jakarta Messaging MessageListeners and JMX NotificationListeners) to run in the context of the listener registrant instead of the implementation provider’s undefined thread context.).

3.3.1. Application Component Provider’s Responsibilities

Application Component Providers (application developers) (EE2.12.2) use a ContextService instance to create contextual object proxies.

The application uses the jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ContextServiceDefinition annotation to define instances of ContextService and enumerate the required qualifiers for ContextService injection points that are to receive a ContextService bean that is produced by the ContextServiceDefinition.

Applications can also retrieve instances using the Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) Naming Context (EE.5) or through injection of resource environment references (EE.

The Application Component Provider may use resource environment references to obtain references to a ContextService instance as follows:

  • Assign an entry in the application component’s environment to the reference using the reference type of: jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ContextService. (See EE. for information on how resource environment references are declared in the deployment descriptor.)

  • Look up the managed object in the application component’s environment using JNDI (EE.5.2), or through resource injection by the use of the @Resource annotation (EE.

This specification recommends, but does not require, that all resource environment references be organized in the appropriate subcontext of the component’s environment for the resource type. For example, all ContextService references should be declared in the java:comp/env/concurrent subcontext.

  • Contextual object proxy instances are created with a ContextService instance using the createContextualProxy() or contextual*() methods. Contextual object proxies will run as an extension of the application component instance that created the proxy and may interact with Jakarta EE container resources as defined in other sections of this specification.

  • Specialized contextual proxies for unmanaged CompletionStage and CompletableFuture instances are created with the withContextCapture() methods, enabling context propagation to all dependent stages.

It is important for Application Component Providers to identify and document the required behaviors and service-level agreements for each required ContextService. The following example illustrates how the component can describe and utilize a ContextService. Usage Example

This section provides an example that shows how a custom ExecutorService can be utilized within an application component.

Custom ExecutorService

This example demonstrates how a singleton Java SE ExecutorService implementation (such as the java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor) can be used from a Jakarta Enterprise Bean. In this example, the reference ThreadPoolExecutor implementation is used instead of the implementation supplied with the Jakarta EE Product Provider.

A custom ExecutorService can be created like any Java object. For applications to use an object, it can be accessed using a singleton or using a Connectors resource adapter. In this example, we use a singleton session bean.

Since the ExecutorService is a singleton session bean, it can be accessed by several Jakarta Enterprise Beans or Servlet instances. The ExecutorService uses threads created from a ManagedThreadFactory (see section 3.4) provided by the Jakarta EE Product Provider. The ContextService is used to guarantee that the task, when it runs on one of the worker threads in the pool, will have the correct component context available to it.

ExecutorService Singleton

Create a singleton session bean ExecutorAccessor with a getter for the ExecutorService. The ExecutorAccessor should be included with the enterprise bean module or other jar that is in the scope of the application component.

public class ExecutorAccessor {

  private ExecutorService threadPoolExecutor = null;

  ManagedThreadFactory threadFactory;

  public void postConstruct() {
    threadPoolExecutor = new ThreadPoolExecutor( 5, 10, 5, TimeUnit.SECONDS, new ArrayBlockingQueue<Runnable>(10), threadFactory);

  public ExecutorService getThreadPool() {
    return threadPoolExecutor;
CreditReport Task

The CreditReport task retrieves a credit report from a given credit agency for a given tax identification number. Multiple tasks are invoked in parallel by an Enterprise Bean business method.

Resource Environment References

This example refers to a ContextService and a ManagedThreadFactory.

Using the description for documenting the configuration attributes of the managed object is optional. The format used here is only an example. Future revisions of Jakarta EE specifications may formalize usages such as this.

    This ThreadFactory is used for the singleton ThreadPoolExecutor.
    Priority: Normal
    Context Info: NA



    This ContextService is used in conjunction with the custom
    ThreadPoolExecutor that the credit report component is using.
    This ContextService has the following requirements:
    Context Info: Local namespace, security


Task Definition

This task logs the request in a database, which requires the local namespace in order to locate the correct DataSource. It also utilizes the Java Authentication and Authorization API (JAAS) to retrieve the user’s identity from the current thread in order to audit access to the credit report.

public class CreditScoreTask implements Callable<Long> {
  private long taxID;
  private int agency;

  public CreditScoreTask(long taxID, int agency) {
    this.taxID = taxID;
    this.agency = agency;

  public Long call() {
    // Log the request in a database using the identity of the user.
    // Use the local namespace to locate the datasource
    Subject currentSubject = Subject.getSubject(AccessController.getContext());
    logCreditAccess(currentSubject, taxID, agency);

    // Use Web Services to retrieve the credit score from the
    // specified agency.
    return getCreditScore(taxID, agency);

Task Invocation

The LoanCheckerBean is a stateless session bean that has one method that is used to retrieve the credit scores for one tax ID from three different agencies. It uses three threads to accomplish this, including the enterprise bean thread.

While the enterprise bean thread is retrieving one credit score, two other threads are retrieving the other two scores.

class LoanCheckerBean {
  ContextService ctxSvc;

  @EJB private ExecutorAccessor executorAccessor;

  public long[] getCreditScores(long taxID) {
    // Retrieve our singleton threadpool, but wrap it in
    // a ExecutorCompletionService
    ExecutorCompletionService<Long> threadPool = new ExecutorCompletionService<Long>(executorAccessor.getThreadPool());

    // Use this thread to retrieve one credit score, and
    // use two other threads to process the other two scores.
    // Since we are using a custom executor and
    // because our tasks depend upon the context in which this
    // method is running, we use a contextual task.
    CreditScoreTask agency1 = new CreditScoreTask(taxID, 1);

    Callable<Long> agency2 = ctxSvc.createContextualProxy( new CreditScoreTask(taxID, 2), Callable.class));

    Callable<Long> agency3 = ctxSvc.createContextualProxy ( new CreditScoreTask(taxID, 3), Callable.class));


    long[] scores = {0,0,0};
    try {
      // Retrieve one credit score on this thread.
      scores[0] = agency1.call();

      // Retrieve the other two credit scores
      scores[1] = threadPool.take().get();
      scores[2] = threadPool.take().get();
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
      // The app may be shutting down.
    } catch (ExecutionException e) {
      // There was an error retrieving one of the asynch scores.
    return scores;

3.3.2. Application Assembler’s Responsibilities

The Application Assembler (EE.2.12.3) is responsible for assembling the application components into a complete Jakarta EE Application and providing assembly instructions that describe the dependencies to the managed objects.

3.3.3. Deployer’s Responsibilities

The Deployer (EE.2.12.4) is responsible for deploying the application components into a specific operational environment. In the terms of this specification, the Deployer installs the application components and maps the dependencies defined by the Application Component Provider and Application Assembler to managed objects with the properly defined attributes. See EE.5.8.2 for details.

All objects created by a ContextService instance are required to propagate Jakarta EE container context information (see section 2.3) to the methods invoked on the proxied object.

3.3.4. Jakarta EE Product Provider’s Responsibilities

The Jakarta EE Product Provider’s responsibilities are as defined in EE.5.8.3 and must provide an implementation of any behaviors defined in the following:

  • All invocation handlers for the contextual proxy implementation must implement java.io.Serializable.

  • All invocations to any of the proxied interface methods will fail with a java.lang.IllegalStateException exception if the application component is not started or deployed.

Jakarta EE Product Providers may add any additional container contexts to the managed ContextService and provide the means for configuration of those contexts in any way so long as these contexts do not violate the required aspects of this specification.

The following section illustrates some possible configuration options that a Jakarta EE Product Provider may want to provide. ContextService Configuration Attributes

Each ContextService may support one or more runtime behaviors as specified by configuration attributes. The Jakarta EE Product Provider will determine both the appropriate attributes and the means of configuring those attributes for their product. Configuration Examples

This section and subsections illustrate some examples how a Jakarta EE Product Provider could configure a ContextService and the possible options that such a service could provide.

The ContextService can be used directly by application components by using resource environment references or providers may choose to use the context information supplied as default context propagation policies for a ManagedExecutorService, ManagedScheduledExecutorService or ManagedThreadFactory. The configuration examples covered in sections, and refer to one of the ContextService configuration examples that follow.

Each of the examples has the following attributes:

  • Name: An arbitrary name of the service for the deployer to use as a reference.

  • JNDI name: The arbitrary, but required, name to identify the service instance. The deployer uses this value to map the service to the component’s resource environment reference.

  • Context info: The context information to be propagated.

    • Security: If enabled, propagate the container security principal.

    • Locale: If enabled, the locale from the container thread is propagated.

    • Custom: If enabled, custom, thread-local data is propagated.

All Contexts



All Contexts

JNDI Name:


Context Info:

  • Security

  • Locale

  • Custom

##Table : All Contexts Configuration Example

OLTP Contexts



OLTP Contexts

JNDI Name:


Context Info:

  • Security

  • Locale

  • Custom

##Table : OLTP Contexts Configuration Example

No Contexts



No Contexts

JNDI Name:


Context Info:




##Table : No Contexts Configuration Example Default ContextService

The Jakarta EE Product Provider must provide a preconfigured, default ContextService for use by application components under the JNDI name java:comp/DefaultContextService. The types of contexts to be propagated by this default ContextService from a contextualizing application component must include naming context, class loader, and security information.

The Jakarta EE Product Provider must inject the default ContextService into injection points of ContextService that do not have any qualifiers except for where the application provides the producer, in which case the application’s producer takes precedence.

3.3.5. Transaction Management

Contextual dynamic proxies support user-managed global transaction demarcation using the jakarta.transaction.UserTransaction interface, which is described in the Jakarta Transactions specification. By default, proxy methods suspend any transactional context on the thread and allow components to manually control global transaction demarcation boundaries. Context objects may optionally begin, commit, and roll back a transaction. See EE.4 for details on transaction management in Jakarta EE.

By using an execution property when creating the contextual proxy object, application components can choose to not suspend the transactional context on the thread, and any resources used by the task will be enlisted to that transaction. Refer to the Javadoc for the jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ContextService interface for details and examples. Jakarta EE Product Provider Requirements

This subsection describes the transaction management requirements of a ContextService implementation when transaction management is enabled (this is the default behavior).

  1. The jakarta.transaction.UserTransaction interface must be made available in the local JNDI namespace as environment entry: java:comp/UserTransaction (EE.5.10 and EE.

  2. All resource managers must enlist with a UserTransaction instance when a transaction is active using the begin() method.

  3. The executor is responsible for coordinating commits and rollbacks when the transaction ends using commit() and rollback() methods.

  4. A task must have the same ability to use transactions as the component submitting the tasks. For example, tasks are allowed to call transactional enterprise beans, and managed beans that use the @Transactional interceptor as defined in the Jakarta Transactions specification. Application Component Provider’s Requirements

This subsection describes the transaction management requirements of each task provider’s implementation when transaction management is enabled (this is the default behavior).

  1. A task instance that starts a transaction must complete the transaction before starting a new transaction.

  2. The task provider uses the jakarta.transaction.UserTransaction interface to demarcate transactions.

  3. Transactions are demarcated using the begin(), commit() and rollback() methods of the UserTransaction interface.

  4. While an instance is in an active transaction, resource-specific transaction demarcation APIs must not be used (e.g. if a java.sql.Connection is enlisted in the transaction instance, the Connection.commit() and Connection.rollback() methods must not be used).

  5. The task instance must complete the transaction before the task method ends.

See the example titled UserTransaction Usage Example under section for an example of using a UserTransaction within a task.

3.4. ManagedThreadFactory

The jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedThreadFactory allows applications to create thread instances from a Jakarta EE Product Provider without creating new java.lang.Thread instances directly. This object allows Application Component Providers to use custom executors such as the java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor when advanced, specialized execution patterns are required.

Jakarta EE Product Providers can provide custom Thread implementations to add management capabilities and container contextual information to the thread.

3.4.1. Application Component Provider’s Responsibilities

Application Component Providers (application developers) (EE2.12.2) use a jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedThreadFactory instance to create manageable threads.

The application uses the jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedThreadFactoryDefinition annotation to define instances of ManagedThreadFactory and enumerate the required qualifiers for ManagedThreadFactory injection points that are to receive a ManagedThreadFactory bean that is produced by the ManagedThreadFactoryDefinition.

Applications can also retrieve instances using the Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) Naming Context (EE.5) or through injection of resource environment references (EE.

The Application Component Provider may use resource environment references to obtain references to a ManagedThreadFactory instance as follows:

  • Assign an entry in the application component’s environment to the reference using the reference type of: jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedThreadFactory. (See EE. for information on how resource environment references are declared in the deployment descriptor.)

  • This specification recommends, but does not require, that all resource environment references be organized in the appropriate subcontext of the component’s environment for the resource type. For Example, all ManagedThreadFactory references should be declared in the java:comp/env/concurrent subcontext.

  • Look up the managed object in the application component’s environment using JNDI (EE.5), or through resource injection by the use of the @Resource annotation (EE.

  • New threads are created using the newThread(Runnable r) method on the java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory interface.

  • The application component thread has permission to interrupt the thread. All other modifications to the thread are subject to the security manager, if present.

  • All Threads are contextual (see section 2.3). When the thread is started using the Thread.start() method, the Runnable that is executed will run with the context of the application component instance that created the ManagedThreadFactory instance.

The ManagedThreadFactory instance may be invoked from several threads in the application component, each with a different container context (for example, user identity). By always applying the context of the ManagedThreadFactory creator, each thread has a consistent context. If a different context is required for each thread, use the ContextService to create a contextual object (see section 3.3).

  • If a ManagedThreadFactory instance is stopped, all subsequent calls to newThread() must throw a java.lang.IllegalStateException Usage Example

In this example, an application component uses a background daemon task to dump in-memory events to a database log, similar to the timer usage example in section

The attributes of the ManagedThreadFactory reference are documented using the <description> tag within the deployment descriptor of the application component and later mapped by the Deployer.

Logger Task

The Logger Task is a long-running task that has the same lifecycle as the servlet. It continually monitors a queue and waits for events to a database log. Its lifecycle is controlled using a jakarta.servlet.ServletContextListener.

Resource Environment Reference

The following resource environment reference is added to the web.xml file for the web component. The description reflects the desired configuration attributes (see section Alternatively, the @Resource annotation can be used in the Servlet code.

Using the description for documenting the configuration attributes of the managed object is optional. The format used here is only an example. Future revisions of Jakarta EE specifications may formalize usages such as this.

    This ManagedThreadFactory is used to create a thread for for the
    application’s logger task.
    This ManagedThreadFactory has the following requirements:
    Context Info: Local Namespace


Task Definition

The task itself simply uses a resource-reference to a JDBC data source, and uses a connect/use/close pattern when invoking the data source.

public class LoggerTask implements Runnable {

  DataSource ds = ...;

  public void run() {
    // Wait for data and log it.
    while (!Thread.interrupted()) {
      logEvents(getData(), ds);

  void logEvents(Collection data, DataSource ds) {
    // Iterate through the data and log each row.
    for (...) {
      try (Connection con = ds.getConnection();... {

        // Write the data using our connection.

        // Commit.
Task Submission

The task is started and stopped by a jakarta.servlet.ServletContextListener.

public class CtxListener implments ServletContextListener {

  Thread loggerThread = null;

  ManagedThreadFactory threadFactory;

  public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent scEvent) {
    LoggerTask logger = new LoggerTask();
    Thread loggerThread = threadFactory.newThread(logger);

  public void contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent scEvent) {
    // Interrupt our logger task since it is no longer available.
    // Note: The server will do this for us as well.
    if (loggerThread!=null) {

3.4.2. Application Assembler’s Responsibilities

The Application Assembler (EE.2.12.3) is responsible for assembling the application components into a complete Jakarta EE Application and providing assembly instructions that describe the dependencies to the managed objects.

3.4.3. Deployer’s Responsibilities

The Deployer (EE.2.12.4) is responsible for deploying the application components into a specific operational environment. In the terms of this specification, the Deployer installs the application components and maps the dependencies defined by the Application Component Provider and Application Assembler to managed objects with the properly defined attributes. See EE.5.8.2 for details.

3.4.4. Jakarta EE Product Provider’s Responsibilities

The Jakarta EE Product Provider’s responsibilities are as defined in EE.5.8.3 and must support the following:

  • Platform threads returned by the newThread() method must implement the ManageableThread interface. Virtual threads do not implement ManageableThread.

  • When a ManagedThreadFactory instance is stopped, such as when the component that created it is stopped or when the application server is shutting down, all threads that it has created using the newThread() method are interrupted. Calls to the isShutdown() method in the ManageableThread interface on these threads must return true.

The intent is to prevent access to components that are no longer available.

  • Threads that are created by a ManagedThreadFactory instance but are started after the ManagedThreadFactory has shut down is required to start with an interrupted status. Calls to the isShutdown() method in the ManageableThread interface on these threads must return true.

All threads created by a ManagedThreadFactory instance are required to propagate container context information (see section 2.3) to the thread’s Runnable.

Jakarta EE Product Providers may add any additional container contexts to the managed ManagedThreadFactory and provide the means for configuration of those contexts in any way so long as these contexts do not violate the required aspects of this specification.

The following section illustrates some possible configuration options that a Jakarta EE Product Provider may want to provide. ManagedThreadFactory Configuration Attributes

Each managed ManagedThreadFactory may support one or more runtime behaviors as specified by configuration attributes. The Jakarta EE Product Provider will determine both the appropriate attributes and the means of configuring those attributes for their product. Configuration Examples

This section and subsections illustrate some examples of how a Jakarta EE Product Provider could configure a ManagedThreadFactory and the possible options that such a service could provide.

A ManagedThreadFactory can be used directly by application components by using resource environment references, or providers may choose to use the context information supplied as default context propagation policies for ManagedExecutorService, or ManagedScheduledExecutorService instances. The configuration examples covered in sections and refer to one of the ManagedThreadFactory configuration examples that follow.

Each of the examples has the following attributes:

  • Name: An arbitrary name of the service for the deployer to use as a reference.

  • JNDI name: The arbitrary, but required, name to identify the service instance. The deployer uses this value to map the service to the component’s resource environment reference.

  • Context: A reference to a ContextService instance (see section 3.3). The context service can be used to define the context to propagate to the threads when running tasks. Having multiple ContextService instances, each with a different policy, may be desirable for some implementations.

  • Priority: The priority to assign to the thread (the higher the number, the higher the priority). See the java.lang.Thread Javadoc for details on how this value can be used.

Normal Threads

This configuration example illustrates a typical ManagedThreadFactory that creates normal priority threads with all available context information.



Normal Threads

JNDI Name:





5 (Normal)

##Table : Normal ManagedThreadFactory Configuration Example

OLTP Threads

This configuration example describes a ManagedThreadFactory that creates threads with a higher than normal priority that can be used for OLTP-type requests.



OLTP Threads

JNDI Name:






##Table : OLTP ManagedThreadFactory Configuration Example

Threads for Long-Running Tasks

This configuration example describes a ManagedThreadFactory that creates lower-priority threads that can be used for background, long-running tasks.



Long Running Tasks Threads

JNDI Name:






##Table : Long-Running Tasks ManagedThreadFactory Configuration Example Default ManagedThreadFactory

The Jakarta EE Product Provider must provide a preconfigured, default ManagedThreadFactory for use by application components under the JNDI name java:comp/DefaultManagedThreadFactory. The types of contexts to be propagated by this default ManagedThreadFactory from a contextualizing application component must include naming context, class loader, and security information.

The Jakarta EE Product Provider must inject an instance of the default ManagedThreadFactory into injection points of ManagedThreadFactory that do not have any qualifiers except for where the application provides the producer, in which case the application’s producer takes precedence.

3.4.5. System Administrator’s Responsibilities

The System Administrator (EE.2.12.5) is responsible for monitoring and overseeing the runtime environment. In the scope of this specification, these duties may include:

  • Monitoring for hung tasks.

  • Monitoring resource usage (for example, threads and memory).

3.4.6. Transaction Management

ManagedThreadFactory implementations must support user-managed global transaction demarcation using the jakarta.transaction.UserTransaction interface, which is described in the Jakarta Transactions specification s with similar semantics to Jakarta Enterprise Beans bean-managed transaction demarcation (see the Jakarta Enterprise Beans specification). User-managed transactions allow components to manually control global transaction demarcation boundaries. Task implementations may optionally begin, commit, and roll-back a transaction. See EE.4 for details on transaction management in Jakarta EE.

Task instances are run outside of the scope of the transaction of the submitting thread. Any transaction active in the executing thread will be suspended. Jakarta EE Product Provider Requirements

This subsection describes the transaction management requirements of a ManagedThreadFactory implementation.

  1. The jakarta.transaction.UserTransaction interface must be made available in the local JNDI namespace as environment entry: java:comp/UserTransaction (EE.5.10 and EE.

  2. All resource managers must enlist with a UserTransaction instance when a transaction is active using the begin() method.

  3. The executor is responsible for coordinating commits and rollbacks when the transaction ends using commit() and rollback() methods.

  4. A task must have the same ability to use transactions as the component submitting the tasks. For example, tasks are allowed to call transactional enterprise beans, and managed beans that use the @Transactional interceptor as defined in the Jakarta Transactions specification. Application Component Provider’s Requirements

This subsection describes the transaction management requirements of each task provider’s implementation.

  1. A task instance that starts a transaction must complete the transaction before starting a new transaction.

  2. The task provider uses the jakarta.transaction.UserTransaction interface to demarcate transactions.

  3. Transactions are demarcated using the begin(), commit() , and rollback() methods of the UserTransaction interface.

  4. While an instance is in an active transaction, resource-specific transaction demarcation APIs must not be used (e.g. if a java.sql.Connection is enlisted in the transaction instance, the Connection.commit() and Connection.rollback() methods must not be used).

  5. The task instance must complete the transaction before the task method ends.

See the example titled UserTransaction Usage Example under section for an example of using a UserTransaction within a task.

3.5. Beans for Managed Objects

The resource definition annotations, ContextServiceDefinition, ManagedExecutorDefinition, ManagedScheduledExecutorDefinition, and ManagedThreadFactoryDefinition, provide a qualifiers attribute that the application can optionally configure to specify a list of required qualifier annotation classes. Similarly, the corresponding deployment descriptor elements, <context-service>, <managed-executor>, <managed-scheduled-executor>, and <managed-thread-factory>, allow <qualifier> sub-elements that the application can optionally configure to specify one or more required qualifier annotation class names.

When a non-empty list of qualifier classes is configured for a resource definition, the container creates an instance of the corresponding managed object and registers a jakarta.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped bean for it with the configured qualifiers.

The container also creates a default instance of each managed object type for which the application does not already produce a bean without required qualifiers, registering a jakarta.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped bean without qualifiers for the default instance.

The life cycle of these beans aligns with the life cycle of the application component. The configured qualifier annotation classes must be accessible to the application and must not have any attributes without default values. The application must not configure java:global names on resource definitions that have a non-empty list of qualifier classes. The container raises an error and does not register the bean if these requirements are not met.

3.5.1. Qualifiers Example

In this example, the application configures a single qualifier annotation when defining a ManagedExecutorService. The application injects the ManagedExecutorService bean by specifying the qualifier annotation on the injection point. Example Qualifier Annotation Class
import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;

import jakarta.inject.Qualifier;

@Target({ ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.PARAMETER, ElementType.TYPE })
public @interface MaxAsync5 {
} Example usage of Qualifier Annotation
        name = "java:comp/concurrent/MyExecutor",
        qualifiers = Max5Async.class,
        maxAsync = 5)
public class MyServlet extends HttpServlet {
   ManagedExecutorService executor;


4. Thread Context Providers

The ThreadContextProvider SPI standardizes the interaction between third-party providers of thread context and the Jakarta EE Product Provider, enabling third-party thread context types to be captured and propagated alongside the Jakarta EE Product Provider’s built-in thread context types.

This is useful for the model where a Jakarta EE Product Provider pieces together various third-party artifacts, together with its own, to produce a Jakarta EE compliant product.

A ThreadContextProvider indicates its provided thread context type, provides a way to capture snapshots of that thread context type, provides a way for applying empty/cleared context of that type to threads, and provides a way to restore the previous thread context after a contextual task or action completes.

4.1. Responsibilities and Requirements

4.1.1. Third-Party Context Provider’s Requirements

This subsection describes the requirements of a third-party provider of thread context.

  1. Implement the jakarta.enterpise.concurrent.spi.ThreadContextProvider interface.

  2. Include a file with location and name of
    META-INF/services/jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.spi.ThreadContextProvider within its JAR file. The content of this file must be one or more lines, each specifying the fully qualified name of a ThreadContextProvider implementation that is provided within the JAR file.

  3. Capture or produce snapshots of the provided type of thread context when ThreadContextProvider methods are invoked.

  4. Apply a snapshot of the provided type of thread context to a thread, upon request from the Jakarta EE Product Provider.

  5. Remove a snapshot of the provided type of thread context from the thread, restoring the previous thread context, upon request from the Jakarta EE Product Provider.

4.1.2. Jakarta EE Product Provider’s Requirements

This subsection describes the requirements of the Jakarta EE Product Provider.

  1. Use the java.util.ServiceLoader to load available jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.spi.ThreadContextProvider implementations from the thread context class loader.

  2. Read configuration, which could be from a jakarta.enterprise.ContextServiceDefinition or a vendor-specific configuration mechanism, to identify which context types to propagate, clear, and ignore.

  3. Invoke the ThreadContextProvider.currentContext method to capture context that is configured to be propagated from the current thread to the thread that will run the contextual task or action.

  4. Invoke the ThreadContextProvider.clearedContext method to generate a snapshot of context that is configured to be cleared from the thread that will run the contextual task or action.

  5. Invoke the ThreadContextSnapshot.begin method to establish context on a thread that will run the contextual task or action.

  6. Invoke the ThreadContextRestorer.endContext method to restore the previous context after the contextual task or action completes.

4.2. Usage Examples

4.2.1. Custom Thread Context Example

This example supplies a ThreadContextProvider that turns priority (from java.lang.Thread) into a third-party context type. Although not useful in practice (it is better to let priority be managed by the managed executor service), this example is chosen because the concept of thread priority is simple, well understood, and already built into Java, allowing the reader to focus on the mechanisms of thread context capture/propagation/restore rather than the details of the context type itself. Example of Custom ThreadContextProvider

The interface, jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.spi.ThreadContextProvider, is the means by which the Jakarta EE Product Provider requests the capturing of a particular context type from the current thread. It also provides a way to obtain a snapshot of empty/cleared context of this type and identifies the name by which the user refers to this context type when configuring a ContextServiceDefinition.

package example.jakarta.concurrency.priority;

import jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.spi.ThreadContextProvider;
import jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.spi.ThreadContextSnapshot;
import java.util.Map;

public class ThreadPriorityContextProvider implements ThreadContextProvider {
   public String getThreadContextType() {
      return "ThreadPriority";

   public ThreadContextSnapshot currentContext(Map<String, String> props) {
      return new ThreadPrioritySnapshot(Thread.currentThread().getPriority());

   public ThreadContextSnapshot clearedContext(Map<String, String> props) {
      return new ThreadPrioritySnapshot(Thread.NORM_PRIORITY);
} Example of Custom ThreadContextSnapshot and ThreadContextRestorer

The interface, jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.spi.ThreadContextSnapshot, represents a snapshot of thread context. The Jakarta EE Product Provider can request the context represented by this snapshot be applied to any number of threads by invoking the begin method. An instance of jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.spi.ThreadContextRestorer, which is returned by the begin method, stores the previous context of the thread. The ThreadContextRestorer instance is provided for one-time use by the Jakarta EE Product Provider to restore the previous context after the context represented by the snapshot is no longer needed on the thread.

package example.jakarta.concurrency.priority;

import jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.spi.ThreadContextRestorer;
import jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.spi.ThreadContextSnapshot;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;

public class ThreadPrioritySnapshot implements ThreadContextSnapshot {
   final int priority;

   ThreadPrioritySnapshot(int priority) {
      this.priority = priority;

   public ThreadContextRestorer begin() {
      Thread thread = Thread.currentThread();
      int priorityToRestore = thread.getPriority();
      AtomicBoolean restored = new AtomicBoolean();

      ThreadContextRestorer contextRestorer = () -> {
         if (restored.compareAndSet(false, true))
            throw new IllegalStateException();


      return contextRestorer;
} ServiceLoader Entry

To make the ThreadContextProvider implementation available to the ServiceLoader, the provider JAR includes a file of the following name and location,


which contains the following line,

example.jakarta.concurrency.priority.ThreadPriorityContextProvider Usage of the Custom Context Type from a Servlet

The following example shows application code that uses a ManagedExecutorService that propagates the example context type. If the provider is implemented correctly and made available on the application’s thread context class loader, the async Runnable should report that it is running with a priority of 3.

import jakarta.annotation.Resource;
import jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ContextServiceDefinition;
import jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedExecutorDefinition;
import jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedExecutorService;
import jakarta.servlet.ServletException;
import jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import java.io.IOException;

        name = "java:module/concurrent/PriorityContext",
        propagated = "ThreadPriority")
        name = "java:module/concurrent/PriorityExec",
        context = "java:module/concurrent/PriorityContext")
public class MyServlet extends HttpServlet {
   @Resource(lookup = "java:module/concurrent/PriorityExec")
   ManagedExecutorService executor;

   protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
      throws ServletException, IOException {


      executor.runAsync(() -> {
         System.out.println("Running with priority of " +

5. Asynchronous Methods

The jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.Asynchronous annotation annotates a CDI managed bean method to run asynchronously. The CDI managed bean must not be a Jakarta Enterprise Bean, and neither the method nor its class can be annotated with the MicroProfile Asynchronous annotation.

Each invocation of an asynchronous method by the user corresponds to a managed java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture instance that is backed by a jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedExecutorService as its default asynchronous execution facility. Its dependent stages (and all dependent stages that are created from those, and so on) continue to be backed by the managed executor service, which also manages the propagation of context to completion stage actions. Application code, including from within the asynchronous method, can query the status of the completable future instance and can choose to complete it at any time and by any means.

5.1. Scheduled Asynchronous Methods

The runAt attribute of Asynchronous allows schedules to be assigned to asynchronous methods, such that the java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture for the asynchronous method represents the completion of all executions in the schedule. With each execution, the method indicates that subsequent executions are needed by returning a null result value. The Jakarta EE Product attempts to run the method at its scheduled times until its future is completed or the method returns a non-null result value or raises an exception.

5.2. Responsibilities and Requirements

5.2.1. Application Component Provider’s Responsibilities

Application Component Providers (application developers) (EE2.12.2) specify the jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.Asynchronous annotation on CDI managed bean methods with return type of java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture, java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage, or void to designate them for asynchronous execution.

The Application Component Provider supplies the implementation of the asynchronous method. If the method has return type of java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture or java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage, its implementation arranges for the completion of a completable future or completion stage, which it returns as the method result. The asynchronous method can create or obtain a new completion stage for this purpose, or it can use the jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.Asynchronous.Result API to obtain the same instance that is being returned to the caller of the asynchronous method. Usage Example

In this example, an application component wants to asynchronously identify similar items that a customer might wish to purchase.

Asynchronous Method Definition

To check if the recommended similar items are currently available for purchase, this asynchronous method relies on an external database that is accessible via a resource reference that is defined in the application component’s java:comp namespace, which must be made available to the asynchronous method.

public class ProductRecommendations {
   @Asynchronous(executor = "java:module/env/concurrent/myExecutorRef")
   public CompletableFuture<Set<Item>> findSimilar(Cart cart, History h) {
      Set<Item> combined = new LinkedHashSet<Item>();
      for (Item item : cart.items())
      for (Item item : h.recentlyViewed(3))

      try (Connection con = ((DataSource) InitialContext.doLookup(
                            "java:comp/env/jdbc/ds1")).getConnection()) {
         PreparedStatement stmt = con.prepareStatement(CHECK_AVAILABILITY);
         for (Item item : combined) {
            ... Remove if the similar item is unavailable
      } catch (NamingException | SQLException x) {
         throw new CompletionException(x);
      return Asynchronous.Result.complete(combined);
Asynchronous Method Invocation

The CDI managed bean with the asynchronous method is injected into a a Servlet, which uses it to asynchronously determine the product recommendations.

public class CheckoutServlet extends HttpServlet {
   ProductRecommendations recommendations;

   @Resource(name=java:comp/env/jdbc/ds1, lookup="jdbc/ds1")
   DataSource ds;

   public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
      throws ServletException {
      recommendations.findSimilar(cust.getCart(), cust.getHistory())
                     .thenAccept(recommended -> {
                        ... Update page with recommendations

5.2.2. Jakarta EE Product Provider’s Responsibilities

The Jakarta EE Product Provider’s responsibilities are as defined in EE.5.8.3.

The Jakarta EE Product Provider registers a CDI interceptor to arrange for the invocation of asynchronous methods on the jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedExecutorService or jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.ManagedScheduledExecutorService that is specified by the jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.Asynchronous annotation.

The Jakarta EE Product Provider creates a java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture instance to associate with each asynchronous method invocation, returning this same instance to the caller of the asynchronous method, and providing it to the asynchronous method implementation by means of the jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.Asynchronous.Result API. The Jakarta EE Product Provider completes this instance upon completion of the completion stage that is returned by the asynchronous method implementation, which is a no-op when the asynchronous method implementation chooses to return the same instance. If the asynchronous method return type is void and the asynchronous method does not have a schedule, or if the asynchronous method implementation raises an error or exception, the Jakarta EE Product Provider completes this instance upon return from the asynchronous method implementation. The Jakarta EE Product Provider raises java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException to the caller of the asynchronous method if it cannot accept a method for asynchronous execution, for example if supplied with an invalid JNDI name. If the Jakarta EE Product Provider cannot start the asynchronous method for any reason after this point, it completes the java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture instance with a java.util.concurrent.CancellationException.

5.3. Transaction Management

When an asynchronous method is also annotated with jakarta.transaction.Transactional, the transactional types which can be used are:

  • jakarta.transaction.Transactional.TxType.REQUIRES_NEW - which causes the method to run in a new transaction

  • jakarta.transaction.Transactional.TxType.NOT_SUPPORTED - which causes the method to run with no transaction

All other transaction attributes must result in java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException upon invocation of the asynchronous method.

When an asynchronous method is not annotated as jakarta.transaction.Transactional or the transaction type is set to TxType.NOT_SUPPORTED, the Jakarta EE Product Provider must support user-managed global transaction demarcation using the jakarta.transaction.UserTransaction interface, which is described in the Jakarta Transactions specification. User-managed transactions allow components to manually control global transaction demarcation boundaries. Task implementations may optionally begin, commit, and roll-back a transaction. See EE.4 for details on transaction management in Jakarta EE.