Interface AsyncContext

public interface AsyncContext
Class representing the execution context for an asynchronous operation that was initiated on a ServletRequest.

An AsyncContext is created and initialized by a call to ServletRequest.startAsync() or ServletRequest.startAsync(ServletRequest, ServletResponse). Repeated invocations of these methods will return the same AsyncContext instance, reinitialized as appropriate.

In the event that an asynchronous operation has timed out, the container must run through these steps:

  1. Invoke, at their onTimeout method, all AsyncListener instances registered with the ServletRequest on which the asynchronous operation was initiated.
  2. If none of the listeners called complete() or any of the dispatch() methods, perform an error dispatch with a status code equal to HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.
  3. If no matching error page was found, or the error page did not call complete() or any of the dispatch() methods, call complete().
Servlet 3.0