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...Definition annotations - Search tag in package
data(GenericType, Object) - Method in interface
Set event data and a generic java type of event data.
data(Class, Object) - Method in interface
Set event data and java type of event data.
data(Object) - Method in interface
Set event data and java type of event data.
DatabaseIdentityStoreDefinition - Annotation Interface in
Annotation used to define a container-provided IdentityStore that stores caller credentials and identity attributes in a relational database, and make that implementation available as an enabled CDI bean.
databaseName() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.annotation.sql.DataSourceDefinition
Name of a database on a server.
Database Support for Cursor-based Pagination - Search tag in interface
DataBindingException - Exception Class in jakarta.xml.bind
Exception that represents a failure in a Jakarta XML Binding operation.
DataBindingException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.xml.bind.DataBindingException
DataBindingException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.xml.bind.DataBindingException
DataConnectionException - Exception Class in
Indicates a connection-related failure that might be intermittent in nature.
DataConnectionException(String) - Constructor for exception class
Constructs a new DataConnectionException exception with the specified detail message.
DataConnectionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class
Constructs a new DataConnectionException exception with the specified detail message.
DataConnectionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class
Constructs a new DataConnectionException exception with the specified cause.
DataContentHandler - Interface in jakarta.activation
The DataContentHandler interface is implemented by objects that can be used to extend the capabilities of the DataHandler's implementation of the Transferable interface.
DataContentHandlerFactory - Interface in jakarta.activation
This interface defines a factory for DataContentHandlers.
DataException - Exception Class in
Thrown by the data provider when a problem occurs.
DataException(String) - Constructor for exception class
Constructs a new DataException exception with the specified detail message.
DataException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class
Constructs a new DataException exception with the specified detail message and cause.
DataException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class
Constructs a new DataException exception with the specified cause.
DataHandler - Class in jakarta.activation
The DataHandler class provides a consistent interface to data available in many different sources and formats.
DataHandler(DataSource) - Constructor for class jakarta.activation.DataHandler
Create a DataHandler instance referencing the specified DataSource.
DataHandler(Object, String) - Constructor for class jakarta.activation.DataHandler
Create a DataHandler instance representing an object of this MIME type.
DataHandler(URL) - Constructor for class jakarta.activation.DataHandler
Create a DataHandler instance referencing a URL.
DataModel<E> - Class in jakarta.faces.model
DataModel is an abstraction around arbitrary data binding technologies that can be used to adapt a variety of data sources for use by Jakarta Faces components that support per-row processing for their child components (such as UIData.
DataModel() - Constructor for class jakarta.faces.model.DataModel
DataModelClassesMapProducer - Class in com.sun.faces.cdi
The DataModelClassesMapProducer is the CDI producer that allows UIData, UIRepeat and possible other components that need a DataModel wrapper for a given type to obtain a Map of types to DataModel implementations capable of wrapping that type.
DataModelClassesMapProducer() - Constructor for class com.sun.faces.cdi.DataModelClassesMapProducer
DataModelEvent - Class in jakarta.faces.model
DataModelEvent represents an event of interest to registered listeners that occurred on the specified DataModel.
DataModelEvent(DataModel, int, Object) - Constructor for class jakarta.faces.model.DataModelEvent
Construct an event object that is associated with the specified row index and associated data.
DataModelListener - Interface in jakarta.faces.model
DataModelListener represents an event listener that wishes to be notified of DataModelEvents occurring on a particular DataModel instance.
DataRepository<T,K> - Interface in
A built-in repository supertype that is the root of all other built-in repository supertype interfaces.
DataSource - Interface in jakarta.activation
The DataSource interface provides Jakarta Activation with an abstraction of an arbitrary collection of data.
DataSourceDefinition - Annotation Interface in jakarta.annotation.sql
Annotation used to define a container DataSource to be registered with JNDI.
DataSourceDefinitions - Annotation Interface in jakarta.annotation.sql
Declares one or more DataSourceDefinition annotations.
dataSourceLookup() - Element in annotation interface
Full JNDI name of the data source that provides access to the data base where the caller identities are stored.
dataStore() - Element in annotation interface
Optionally indicates the data store to use for the repository.
DATATABLE - Enum constant in enum class com.sun.faces.renderkit.AttributeManager.Key
DatatypeConverter - Class in jakarta.xml.bind
The javaType binding declaration can be used to customize the binding of an XML schema datatype to a Java datatype.
DatatypeConverterInterface - Interface in jakarta.xml.bind
The DatatypeConverterInterface is for Jakarta XML Binding provider use only.
date() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.annotation.Generated
Date when the source was generated.
DATE - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.TemporalType
Map as java.sql.Date
DATE - Static variable in class jakarta.persistence.criteria.LocalDateTimeField
The date part of a datetime.
DATE - Static variable in interface
DATE_FORMAT - Static variable in class jakarta.json.bind.JsonbConfig
Property used to specify custom date format globally.
DATE_ID - Static variable in class jakarta.faces.convert.DateTimeConverter
The message identifier of the FacesMessage to be created if the conversion to Date fails.
DATETIME_ID - Static variable in class jakarta.faces.convert.DateTimeConverter
The message identifier of the FacesMessage to be created if the conversion to DateTime fails.
DateTimeConverter - Class in jakarta.faces.convert
Converter implementation for java.util.Date values.
DateTimeConverter() - Constructor for class jakarta.faces.convert.DateTimeConverter
DATETIMECONVERTER_DEFAULT_TIMEZONE_IS_SYSTEM_TIMEZONE_PARAM_NAME - Static variable in interface jakarta.faces.convert.Converter
If this param is set, and calling toLowerCase().equals("true") on a String representation of its value returns true, Application.createConverter() must guarantee that the default for the timezone of all jakarta.faces.convert.DateTimeConverter instances must be equal to TimeZone.getDefault() instead of "GMT".
DateTimeConverterUsesSystemTimezone - Enum constant in enum class com.sun.faces.config.WebConfiguration.BooleanWebContextInitParameter
DAY - Static variable in class jakarta.persistence.criteria.LocalDateField
The calendar day of the month, numbered from 1.
DAY - Static variable in class jakarta.persistence.criteria.LocalDateTimeField
The calendar day of the month, numbered from 1.
dayOfMonth() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.ejb.Schedule
Specifies one or more days within a month.
dayOfMonth(int) - Method in class jakarta.ejb.ScheduleExpression
Set the day of the month attribute.
dayOfMonth(String) - Method in class jakarta.ejb.ScheduleExpression
Set the day of the month attribute.
dayOfWeek() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.ejb.Schedule
Specifies one or more days within a week.
dayOfWeek(int) - Method in class jakarta.ejb.ScheduleExpression
Set the day of the week attribute.
dayOfWeek(String) - Method in class jakarta.ejb.ScheduleExpression
Set the day of the week attribute.
daysOfMonth() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.Schedule
Days of the month on which the asynchronous method aims to run.
daysOfMonth(int...) - Method in class jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.CronTrigger
Configure the day-of-month cron field, overwriting any previous value for day-of-month.
daysOfMonth(String) - Method in class jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.CronTrigger
Configure the day-of-month cron field, overwriting any previous value for day-of-month.
daysOfWeek() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.Schedule
Days of the week on which the asynchronous method aims to run.
daysOfWeek(String) - Method in class jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.CronTrigger
Configure the day-of-week cron field, overwriting any previous value for day-of-week.
daysOfWeek(DayOfWeek...) - Method in class jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.CronTrigger
Configure the day-of-week cron field, overwriting any previous value for day-of-week.
DbfFactory - Class in com.sun.faces.config.manager
Create and configure DocumentBuilderFactory instances.
DbfFactory() - Constructor for class com.sun.faces.config.manager.DbfFactory
deactivate() - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.context.control.RequestContextController
Deactivates the current Request Context if it was activated by this context controller.
debugHtml(Writer, FacesContext) - Static method in class com.sun.faces.facelets.util.DevTools
debugHtml(Writer, FacesContext, Throwable) - Static method in class com.sun.faces.facelets.util.DevTools
DebugObjectOutputStream - Class in com.sun.faces.util
DebugObjectOutputStream(OutputStream) - Constructor for class com.sun.faces.util.DebugObjectOutputStream
debugRequest(FacesContext) - Static method in class com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.ui.UIDebug
DebugUtil - Class in com.sun.faces.util
DebugUtil is a class ...
DebugUtil() - Constructor for class com.sun.faces.util.DebugUtil
DECIMAL_ID - Static variable in class jakarta.faces.convert.BigDecimalConverter
The message identifier of the FacesMessage to be created if the conversion to BigDecimal fails.
DecimalMax - Annotation Interface in jakarta.validation.constraints
The annotated element must be a number whose value must be lower or equal to the specified maximum.
DecimalMax.List - Annotation Interface in jakarta.validation.constraints
Defines several DecimalMax annotations on the same element.
DecimalMin - Annotation Interface in jakarta.validation.constraints
The annotated element must be a number whose value must be higher or equal to the specified minimum.
DecimalMin.List - Annotation Interface in jakarta.validation.constraints
Defines several DecimalMin annotations on the same element.
declaration() - Method in interface
Returns the declaration of this injection point.
declaration() - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.lang.model.AnnotationInfo
Returns the declaration of this annotation's type.
declaration() - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.lang.model.types.ClassType
Returns the declaration of this class type.
declaration() - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.lang.model.types.ParameterizedType
Returns the declaration of the generic class that was parameterized with a list of type arguments to form this parameterized type.
DeclarationConfig - Interface in
Allows adding annotations to and removing annotations from a declaration.
DeclarationInfo - Interface in jakarta.enterprise.lang.model.declarations
A declaration is an element of a program source code.
DeclarationInfo.Kind - Enum Class in jakarta.enterprise.lang.model.declarations
The declaration kind: package, class, method, parameter, field, record component.
declaredOn(ElementType...) - Method in interface jakarta.validation.metadata.ElementDescriptor.ConstraintFinder
Restricts to the constraints hosted on the listed types for a given element.
declaredType - Variable in class jakarta.xml.bind.JAXBElement
Java datatype binding for xml element declaration's type.
DeclareFacetHandler - Class in com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.composite
DeclareFacetHandler(TagConfig) - Constructor for class com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.composite.DeclareFacetHandler
declareRoles(String...) - Method in interface jakarta.servlet.ServletContext
Declares role names that are tested using isUserInRole.
DeclareRoles - Annotation Interface in
Used by application to declare security roles.
declaringClass() - Method in interface
Returns the class that declares this bean.
declaringClass() - Method in interface
Returns the class that declares this observer.
declaringClass() - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.lang.model.declarations.FieldInfo
Returns the class that declares this field.
declaringClass() - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.lang.model.declarations.MethodInfo
Returns the class that declares this method.
declaringClass(ClassInfo) - Method in interface
Sets the bean class that "declares" this synthetic observer.
declaringClass(Class<?>) - Method in interface
Sets the bean class that "declares" this synthetic observer.
declaringMethod() - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.lang.model.declarations.ParameterInfo
Returns the method that declares this parameter.
declaringRecord() - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.lang.model.declarations.RecordComponentInfo
Returns the record that declares this component.
decode(FacesContext) - Method in class com.sun.faces.facelets.compiler.UILeaf
decode(FacesContext) - Method in class com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.composite.BehaviorHolderWrapper
decode(FacesContext) - Method in class com.sun.faces.lifecycle.ClientWindowImpl
decode(FacesContext) - Method in class jakarta.faces.component.UIComponent
Decode any new state of this UIComponent from the request contained in the specified FacesContext, and store this state as needed.
decode(FacesContext) - Method in class jakarta.faces.component.UIComponentBase
decode(FacesContext) - Method in class jakarta.faces.component.UIInput
decode(FacesContext) - Method in class jakarta.faces.component.UIViewAction
Override behavior from the superclass to queue an ActionEvent that may result in the invocation of the action or any actionListeners that may be associated with this instance.
decode(FacesContext) - Method in class jakarta.faces.component.UIViewParameter
Override behavior from superclass to pull a value from the incoming request parameter map under the name given by UIViewParameter.getName() and store it with a call to UIInput.setSubmittedValue(java.lang.Object).
decode(FacesContext) - Method in class jakarta.faces.lifecycle.ClientWindow
The implementation is responsible for examining the incoming request and extracting the value that must be returned from the ClientWindow.getId() method.
decode(FacesContext) - Method in class jakarta.faces.lifecycle.ClientWindowWrapper
decode(FacesContext, UIComponent) - Method in class com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.composite.RetargetedAjaxBehavior
decode(FacesContext, UIComponent) - Method in class com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.BodyRenderer
decode(FacesContext, UIComponent) - Method in class com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.ButtonRenderer
decode(FacesContext, UIComponent) - Method in class com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.CheckboxRenderer
decode(FacesContext, UIComponent) - Method in class com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.CommandLinkRenderer
decode(FacesContext, UIComponent) - Method in class com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.CommandScriptRenderer
decode(FacesContext, UIComponent) - Method in class com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.DoctypeRenderer
decode(FacesContext, UIComponent) - Method in class com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.FileRenderer
decode(FacesContext, UIComponent) - Method in class com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.FormRenderer
decode(FacesContext, UIComponent) - Method in class com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.HeadRenderer
decode(FacesContext, UIComponent) - Method in class com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.HtmlBasicRenderer
decode(FacesContext, UIComponent) - Method in class com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.MenuRenderer
decode(FacesContext, UIComponent) - Method in class com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.OutcomeTargetRenderer
decode(FacesContext, UIComponent) - Method in class com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.OutputLinkRenderer
decode(FacesContext, UIComponent) - Method in class com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.RadioRenderer
This override delegates to decodeGroup(FacesContext context, UISelectOne radio, Group group) when 'group' attribute is set.
decode(FacesContext, UIComponent) - Method in class com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.ScriptStyleBaseRenderer
decode(FacesContext, UIComponent) - Method in class com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.WebsocketRenderer
Decode all client behaviors.
decode(FacesContext, UIComponent) - Method in interface jakarta.faces.component.behavior.ClientBehavior
Decode any new state of this ClientBehavior from the request contained in the specified FacesContext.
decode(FacesContext, UIComponent) - Method in class jakarta.faces.component.behavior.ClientBehaviorBase
decode(FacesContext, UIComponent) - Method in class jakarta.faces.render.RendererWrapper
decode(FacesContext, UIComponent, ClientBehavior) - Method in class com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.AjaxBehaviorRenderer
decode(FacesContext, UIComponent, ClientBehavior) - Method in class jakarta.faces.render.ClientBehaviorRenderer
Decode any new state of this ClientBehavior from the request contained in the specified FacesContext.
decode(FacesContext, T) - Method in class jakarta.faces.render.Renderer
Decode any new state of the specified UIComponent from the request contained in the specified FacesContext, and store that state on the UIComponent.
decode(InputStream) - Method in interface jakarta.websocket.Decoder.BinaryStream
Decode the given bytes read from the input stream into an object of type T.
decode(Reader) - Method in interface jakarta.websocket.Decoder.TextStream
Reads the websocket message from the implementation provided Reader and decodes it into an instance of the supplied object type.
decode(String) - Method in interface jakarta.websocket.Decoder.Text
Decode the given String into an object of type T.
decode(ByteBuffer) - Method in interface jakarta.websocket.Decoder.Binary
Decode the given bytes into an object of type T.
decodeBehaviors(FacesContext, UIComponent) - Method in class com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.HtmlBasicRenderer
DecodeException - Exception Class in jakarta.websocket
A general exception that occurs when trying to decode a custom object from a text or binary message.
DecodeException(String, String) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.websocket.DecodeException
Constructs a DecodedException with the given encoded string that cannot be decoded, and reason why.
DecodeException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.websocket.DecodeException
Constructor with the text data that could not be decoded, and the reason why it failed to be, and the cause.
DecodeException(ByteBuffer, String) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.websocket.DecodeException
Constructs a DecodedException with the given ByteBuffer that cannot be decoded, and reason why.
DecodeException(ByteBuffer, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.websocket.DecodeException
Constructor with the binary data that could not be decoded, and the reason why it failed to be, and the cause.
decodeGroup(FacesContext, UISelectOne, RadioRenderer.Group) - Method in class com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.RadioRenderer
The difference with default decoding is: Submitted value is obtained by group name.
decodePointer(String) - Static method in class jakarta.json.Json
Decodes a passed JSON-pointer string as defined by RFC 6901.
Decoder - Interface in jakarta.websocket
The Decoder interface holds member interfaces that define how a developer can provide the web socket container a way web socket messages into developer defined custom objects.
Decoder.Binary<T> - Interface in jakarta.websocket
This interface defines how a custom object (of type T) is decoded from a web socket message in the form of a byte buffer.
Decoder.BinaryStream<T> - Interface in jakarta.websocket
This interface defines how a custom object is decoded from a web socket message in the form of a binary stream.
Decoder.Text<T> - Interface in jakarta.websocket
This interface defines how a custom object is decoded from a web socket message in the form of a string.
Decoder.TextStream<T> - Interface in jakarta.websocket
This interface defines how a custom object of type T is decoded from a web socket message in the form of a character stream.
decoders() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.websocket.ClientEndpoint
The array of Java classes that are to act as Decoders for messages coming into the client.
decoders() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.websocket.server.ServerEndpoint
The ordered array of decoder classes this endpoint will use.
decoders(List<Class<? extends Decoder>>) - Method in class jakarta.websocket.ClientEndpointConfig.Builder
Assign the list of decoder implementation classes the client will use.
decoders(List<Class<? extends Decoder>>) - Method in class jakarta.websocket.server.ServerEndpointConfig.Builder
Sets the decoder implementation classes to use in the configuration.
decorate(Tag) - Method in class com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.CompositeTagDecorator
Uses the chain of responsibility pattern to stop processing if any of the TagDecorators return a value other than null.
decorate(Tag) - Method in class com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.faces.html.HtmlDecorator
decorate(Tag) - Method in interface jakarta.faces.view.facelets.TagDecorator
If handled, return a new Tag instance, otherwise return null
Decorated - Annotation Interface in jakarta.enterprise.inject
A decorator may inject metadata about the bean it is decorating
Decorated types - Search tag in package jakarta.decorator
DecorateHandler - Class in com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.ui
DecorateHandler(TagConfig) - Constructor for class com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.ui.DecorateHandler
decorateInstance(Class, Class, Object) - Static method in class com.sun.faces.facelets.util.ReflectionUtil
decorateInstance(String, Class, Object) - Static method in class com.sun.faces.facelets.util.ReflectionUtil
Decorator<T> - Interface in jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi
Represents an enabled decorator.
Decorator - Annotation Interface in jakarta.decorator
Specifies that a class is a decorator.
decrypt(FacesContext, byte[]) - Method in class com.sun.faces.renderkit.ByteArrayGuard
This method decrypts the provided byte array.
decrypt(String) - Method in class com.sun.faces.util.ByteArrayGuardAESCTR
Default - Interface in jakarta.validation.groups
Default Jakarta Validation group.
Default - Annotation Interface in jakarta.enterprise.inject
The default qualifier type.
DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.servlet.http.MappingMatch
This is used when the mapping was achieved with an exact match to the default servlet of the application, the '/' character.
DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.validation.metadata.ValidateUnwrappedValue
No specific unwrapping behavior has been defined for this constraint and the default behavior applies: if there is exactly one maximally-specific type-compliant ValueExtractor and this extractor is marked with UnwrapByDefault, this extractor is applied and the constraint is applied to the value(s) wrapped by the annotated container.
DEFAULT_BUFFER - Static variable in class jakarta.servlet.jsp.JspWriter
Constant indicating that the Writer is buffered and is using the implementation default buffer size.
DEFAULT_CDI_PROVIDER_PRIORITY - Static variable in interface jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi.CDIProvider
The default value for CDIProvider.getPriority()
DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE - Static variable in class com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.ScriptRenderer
DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE - Static variable in class com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.StylesheetRenderer
DEFAULT_DATA_STORE - Static variable in annotation interface
Value for the Repository.dataStore() attribute that indicates to use a default data store.
DEFAULT_EXTERNAL_CONTEXT_KEY - Static variable in class com.sun.faces.context.ExternalContextFactoryImpl
DEFAULT_FACELETS_SUFFIX - Static variable in class jakarta.faces.application.ViewHandler
The value to use for the default extension for Facelet based XHTML pages if the webapp is using url extension mapping.
The name of the Security property used to define the default AuthConfigFactory implementation class.
DEFAULT_FORMAT - Static variable in annotation interface jakarta.json.bind.annotation.JsonbDateFormat
Value that indicates the default format.
DEFAULT_HASH_ALGORITHM - Static variable in interface
DEFAULT_HOTKEY - Static variable in class com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.ui.UIDebug
DEFAULT_JWT_SIGNED_ALGORITHM - Static variable in interface
DEFAULT_KEY - Static variable in class com.sun.faces.application.ApplicationResourceBundle
DEFAULT_KEY_NAME - Static variable in annotation interface jakarta.json.bind.annotation.JsonbTypeInfo
Default type information key name.
DEFAULT_LIFECYCLE - Static variable in class com.sun.faces.RIConstants
DEFAULT_LIFECYCLE - Static variable in class jakarta.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleFactory
The lifecycle identifier for the default Lifecycle instance for this Jakarta Faces implementation.
DEFAULT_LOCALE - Static variable in annotation interface jakarta.json.bind.annotation.JsonbDateFormat
Value that indicates that default Locale.
DEFAULT_LOCALE - Static variable in annotation interface jakarta.json.bind.annotation.JsonbNumberFormat
Value that indicates that default Locale.
DEFAULT_MAX_AGE - Static variable in class
Specifies that the cookie expires with the current application/browser session.
DEFAULT_NAMESPACE - Static variable in class com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.composite.CompositeLibrary
DEFAULT_NAMESPACE - Static variable in class com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.faces.core.CoreLibrary
DEFAULT_NAMESPACE - Static variable in class com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.faces.html.HtmlLibrary
DEFAULT_NAMESPACE - Static variable in class com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.faces.PassThroughAttributeLibrary
DEFAULT_NAMESPACE - Static variable in class com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.faces.PassThroughElementLibrary
DEFAULT_NAMESPACE - Static variable in class com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.jstl.core.JstlCoreLibrary
DEFAULT_NAMESPACE - Static variable in class com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.ui.UILibrary
DEFAULT_NAMESPACE - Static variable in class com.sun.faces.facelets.util.DevTools
DEFAULT_NAMESPACE - Static variable in class com.sun.faces.facelets.util.FunctionLibrary
DEFAULT_PORT - Static variable in interface
Special value for SeBootstrap.Configuration.PORT property indicating that the implementation MUST use its default port.
DEFAULT_PRIORITY - Static variable in interface jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi.ObserverMethod
The default observer priority
DEFAULT_SOAP_PROTOCOL - Static variable in interface jakarta.xml.soap.SOAPConstants
The default protocol: SOAP 1.1 for backwards compatibility.
DEFAULT_STATEMANAGER - Static variable in class com.sun.faces.RIConstants
DEFAULT_SUFFIX - Static variable in class jakarta.faces.application.ViewHandler
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
DEFAULT_SUFFIX_PARAM_NAME - Static variable in class jakarta.faces.application.ViewHandler
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
DEFAULT_VALIDATION_TYPES - Static variable in interface
Default set of validation types.
DEFAULT_VERSION - Static variable in class
Cookies using the default version correspond to RFC 2109.
Default.Literal - Class in jakarta.enterprise.inject
Supports inline instantiation of the Default qualifier.
DefaultFaceletFactory - Class in com.sun.faces.facelets.impl
Default FaceletFactory implementation.
DefaultFaceletFactory() - Constructor for class com.sun.faces.facelets.impl.DefaultFaceletFactory
DefaultFunctionMapper - Class in com.sun.faces.facelets.el
Default implementation of the FunctionMapper
DefaultFunctionMapper() - Constructor for class com.sun.faces.facelets.el.DefaultFunctionMapper
Default Interceptors - Search tag in package jakarta.interceptor
defaultOutcome(ValueExpression) - Method in class com.sun.faces.flow.builder.MethodCallBuilderImpl
defaultOutcome(ValueExpression) - Method in class com.sun.faces.flow.builder.SwitchBuilderImpl
defaultOutcome(ValueExpression) - Method in class jakarta.faces.flow.builder.MethodCallBuilder
If the method is a void method, or the method returns null, this can be used to specify what value should be passed to runtime when the method returns.
defaultOutcome(ValueExpression) - Method in class jakarta.faces.flow.builder.SwitchBuilder
Set the default outcome of the current switch.
defaultOutcome(String) - Method in class com.sun.faces.flow.builder.MethodCallBuilderImpl
defaultOutcome(String) - Method in class com.sun.faces.flow.builder.SwitchBuilderImpl
defaultOutcome(String) - Method in class jakarta.faces.flow.builder.MethodCallBuilder
If the method is a void method, or the method returns null, this can be used to specify what value should be passed to runtime when the method returns.
defaultOutcome(String) - Method in class jakarta.faces.flow.builder.SwitchBuilder
Set the default outcome of the current switch.
DefaultResourceMaxAge - Enum constant in enum class com.sun.faces.config.WebConfiguration.WebContextInitParameter
DefaultResourceResolver - Class in com.sun.faces.facelets.impl
DefaultResourceResolver(ResourceHandler) - Constructor for class com.sun.faces.facelets.impl.DefaultResourceResolver
defaultScope() - Method in interface
Returns the default scope defined by this stereotype.
DefaultValidationEventHandler - Class in jakarta.xml.bind.helpers
JAXB 1.0 only default validation event handler.
DefaultValidationEventHandler() - Constructor for class jakarta.xml.bind.helpers.DefaultValidationEventHandler
defaultValue() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElement
Default value of this element.
defaultValue() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElementDecl
Default value of this element.
DefaultValue - Annotation Interface in
Defines the default value of request meta-data that is bound using one of the following annotations: PathParam, QueryParam, MatrixParam, CookieParam, FormParam, or HeaderParam.
DefaultVariableMapper - Class in com.sun.faces.facelets.el
Default instance of a VariableMapper backed by a Map
DefaultVariableMapper() - Constructor for class com.sun.faces.facelets.el.DefaultVariableMapper
deferredExpression - Variable in class jakarta.servlet.jsp.jstl.core.LoopTagSupport
The deferred expression if any
defineBean(String, Object) - Method in class jakarta.el.ELManager
Define a bean in the local bean repository
defineBean(String, Object) - Method in class jakarta.el.ELProcessor
Define a bean in a local bean repository, hiding other beans of the same name.
defineFunction(String, String, Method) - Method in class jakarta.el.ELProcessor
Define a Jakarta Expression Language function in the local function mapper.
defineFunction(String, String, String, String) - Method in class jakarta.el.ELProcessor
Define a Jakarta Expression Language function in the local function mapper.
DefineHandler - Class in com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.ui
DefineHandler(TagConfig) - Constructor for class com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.ui.DefineHandler
definePropertyEditorClassFor(Class<?>) - Method in class com.sun.faces.application.ConverterPropertyEditorFactory
Return a PropertyEditor class appropriate for editing the given targetClass.
definingDocumentId() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.faces.flow.FlowScoped
If not empty, declare the defining document id within which the Flow referenced by FlowScoped.value() is unique.
DefinitionException - Exception Class in jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi
Thrown when a definition error occurs.
DefinitionException(String) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi.DefinitionException
Creates the exception with given detail message.
DefinitionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi.DefinitionException
Creates the exception with given detail message and cause.
DefinitionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi.DefinitionException
Creates the exception with given cause.
delegate(boolean) - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi.configurator.InjectionPointConfigurator
Change the delegate status of the built InjectionPoint.
Delegate - Annotation Interface in jakarta.decorator
Identifies the delegate injection point of a decorator.
DelegatedEJBScanner - Class in com.sun.faces.application.annotation
Scanner implementation responsible for EJB annotations.
DelegatedEJBScanner() - Constructor for class com.sun.faces.application.annotation.DelegatedEJBScanner
DelegatedPersistenceContextScanner - Class in com.sun.faces.application.annotation
Scanner implementation responsible for PersistenceContext annotations.
DelegatedPersistenceContextScanner() - Constructor for class com.sun.faces.application.annotation.DelegatedPersistenceContextScanner
DelegatedPersistenceUnitScanner - Class in com.sun.faces.application.annotation
Scanner implementation responsible for PersistenceUnit annotations.
DelegatedPersistenceUnitScanner() - Constructor for class com.sun.faces.application.annotation.DelegatedPersistenceUnitScanner
DelegatedResourceScanner - Class in com.sun.faces.application.annotation
Scanner implementation responsible for link Resource annotations.
DelegatedResourceScanner() - Constructor for class com.sun.faces.application.annotation.DelegatedResourceScanner
delegateFactory - Variable in class jakarta.faces.view.facelets.DelegatingMetaTagHandler
Class that defines methods relating to helping tag handler instances.
Delegate injection points - Search tag in package jakarta.decorator
DelegatingMetaTagHandler - Class in jakarta.faces.view.facelets
Enable the Jakarta Faces implementation to provide the appropriate behavior for the kind of MetaTagHandler subclass for each kind of element in the view, while providing a base-class from which those wanting to make a Java language custom tag handler can inherit.
DelegatingMetaTagHandler(TagConfig) - Constructor for class jakarta.faces.view.facelets.DelegatingMetaTagHandler
Instantiates this handler with the given config.
delete() - Method in interface jakarta.servlet.http.Part
Deletes the underlying storage for a file item, including deleting any associated temporary disk file.
delete() - Method in interface
Invoke HTTP DELETE method for the current request asynchronously.
delete() - Method in interface
delete() - Method in interface
Invoke HTTP DELETE method for the current request.
delete() - Method in interface
Invoke HTTP DELETE method for the current request synchronously.
delete(InvocationCallback<T>) - Method in interface
Invoke HTTP DELETE method for the current request asynchronously.
delete(GenericType<R>) - Method in interface
Invoke HTTP DELETE method for the current request.
delete(GenericType<T>) - Method in interface
Invoke HTTP DELETE method for the current request asynchronously.
delete(GenericType<T>) - Method in interface
delete(GenericType<T>) - Method in interface
Invoke HTTP DELETE method for the current request synchronously.
delete(Class<R>) - Method in interface
Invoke HTTP DELETE method for the current request.
delete(Class<T>) - Method in interface
Invoke HTTP DELETE method for the current request asynchronously.
delete(Class<T>) - Method in interface
delete(Class<T>) - Method in interface
Invoke HTTP DELETE method for the current request synchronously.
delete(String) - Method in class jakarta.faces.context.PartialResponseWriter
Write a delete operation.
delete(T) - Method in interface
Deletes a given entity.
Delete - Annotation Interface in
Lifecycle annotation for repository methods which perform delete operations; alternatively, annotates a repository method as a parameter-based automatic query method which deletes entities.
DELETE - Annotation Interface in
Indicates that the annotated method responds to HTTP DELETE requests.
DELETE - Static variable in annotation interface
deleteAll(List<? extends T>) - Method in interface
Deletes the given entities.
deleteById(K) - Method in interface
Deletes the entity with the given Id.
delims - Variable in class jakarta.servlet.jsp.jstl.core.IteratedExpression
delistResource(XAResource, int) - Method in interface jakarta.transaction.Transaction
Disassociate the resource specified from the transaction associated with the target Transaction object.
DemuxCompositeELResolver - Class in com.sun.faces.el
Maintains an ordered composite list of child ELResolver for Faces.
DemuxCompositeELResolver(FacesCompositeELResolver.ELResolverChainType) - Constructor for class com.sun.faces.el.DemuxCompositeELResolver
DENY - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.servlet.annotation.ServletSecurity.EmptyRoleSemantic
access is to be denied independent of authentication state and identity.
DenyAll - Annotation Interface in
Specifies that no security roles are allowed to invoke the specified method(s).
Dependent - Annotation Interface in jakarta.enterprise.context
Specifies that a bean belongs to the dependent pseudo-scope.
Dependent.Literal - Class in jakarta.enterprise.context
Supports inline instantiation of the Dependent annotation.
DependsOn - Annotation Interface in jakarta.ejb
Used to express an initialization dependency between singleton components.
DeploymentException - Exception Class in jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi
Thrown when a deployment problem occurs.
DeploymentException - Exception Class in jakarta.websocket
Checked exception indicating some kind of failure either to publish an endpoint on its server, or a failure to connect a client to its server.
DeploymentException(String) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi.DeploymentException
Creates the exception with given detail message.
DeploymentException(String) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.websocket.DeploymentException
Creates a deployment exception with the given reason for the deployment failure.
DeploymentException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi.DeploymentException
Creates the exception with given detail message and cause.
DeploymentException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.websocket.DeploymentException
Creates a deployment exception with the given reason for the deployment failure and wrapped cause of the failure.
DeploymentException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi.DeploymentException
Creates the exception with given cause.
deregister(Serializable, String) - Method in class com.sun.faces.push.WebsocketUserManager
Deregister application user associated with given user and session based user ID.
deregister(Iterable<String>) - Method in class com.sun.faces.push.WebsocketSessionManager
Deregister given channel identifiers and explicitly close all open web socket sessions associated with it.
deregisterSessionScope() - Method in class com.sun.faces.push.WebsocketChannelManager
When current session scope is about to be destroyed, deregister all session scope channels and explicitly close any open web sockets associated with it to avoid stale websockets.
deregisterViewScope() - Method in class com.sun.faces.push.WebsocketChannelManager.ViewScope
When current view scope is about to be destroyed, deregister all view scope channels and explicitly close any open web sockets associated with it to avoid stale websockets.
deriveLogicalViewId(FacesContext, String) - Method in class com.sun.faces.application.view.MultiViewHandler
deriveLogicalViewId(FacesContext, String) - Method in class jakarta.faces.application.ViewHandler
Derive and return the viewId from the current request, or the argument input by following the algorithm defined in section 7.6.2 "Default ViewHandler Implementation" of the Jakarta Faces Specification Document.
deriveLogicalViewId(FacesContext, String) - Method in class jakarta.faces.application.ViewHandlerWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call ViewHandler.deriveLogicalViewId(jakarta.faces.context.FacesContext, String) on the wrapped ViewHandler object.
derivePhysicalViewId(FacesContext, String, boolean) - Method in class com.sun.faces.application.view.MultiViewHandler
deriveViewId(FacesContext, String) - Method in class com.sun.faces.application.view.MultiViewHandler
deriveViewId(FacesContext, String) - Method in class jakarta.faces.application.ViewHandler
Derive and return the viewId from the current request, or the argument input by following the algorithm defined in section 7.6.2 "Default ViewHandler Implementation" of the Jakarta Faces Specification Document.
deriveViewId(FacesContext, String) - Method in class jakarta.faces.application.ViewHandlerWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call ViewHandler.deriveViewId(jakarta.faces.context.FacesContext, String) on the wrapped ViewHandler object.
desc() - Method in record class
desc() - Method in record class
desc() - Method in interface
Obtain a request for a descending Sort based on the entity attribute.
desc(Expression<?>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an ordering by the descending value of the expression.
desc(Expression<?>, Nulls) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an ordering by the descending value of the expression.
desc(String) - Method in interface
Creates a new page request with the same pagination information, appending the specified descending sort with lower priority than all other sort criteria (if any) that have already been specified.
desc(String) - Static method in record class
Create a Sort instance with descending direction that does not request case insensitive ordering.
DESC - Enum constant in enum class
Descending direction.
descending() - Element in annotation interface
Indicate whether to use descending order when sorting by this attribute.
descendingByValue(Map<K, V>) - Static method in class com.sun.faces.config.manager.documents.DocumentOrderingWrapper
descIgnoreCase() - Method in record class
descIgnoreCase() - Method in interface
Obtain a request for a descending, case insensitive Sort based on the entity attribute.
descIgnoreCase(String) - Method in interface
Creates a new page request with the same pagination information, appending the specified case-insensitive descending sort with lower priority than all other sort criteria (if any) that have already been specified.
descIgnoreCase(String) - Static method in record class
Create a Sort instance with descending direction and case insensitive ordering.
description() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.annotation.Resource
Description of this resource.
description() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.annotation.sql.DataSourceDefinition
Description of this data source
description() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.ejb.EJB
A string describing the bean.
description() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.ejb.MessageDriven
A string describing the message driven bean.
description() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.ejb.Singleton
A string describing the singleton session bean.
description() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.ejb.Stateful
A string describing the stateful session bean.
description() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.ejb.Stateless
A string describing the stateless session bean.
description() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.servlet.annotation.WebFilter
The description of the filter
description() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.servlet.annotation.WebInitParam
Description of the initialization parameter
description() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.servlet.annotation.WebServlet
The description of the servlet
DeserializationContext - Interface in jakarta.json.bind.serializer
Provides JSONB Mapper functionality on top of JSONP parser.
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext, Type) - Method in interface jakarta.json.bind.serializer.JsonbDeserializer
Deserialize JSON stream into object.
deserialize(Class<T>, JsonParser) - Method in interface jakarta.json.bind.serializer.DeserializationContext
Deserialize JSON stream into instance of provided class using JsonParser.
deserialize(Type, JsonParser) - Method in interface jakarta.json.bind.serializer.DeserializationContext
Deserialize JSON stream into instance of provided class using JsonParser.
DESERIALIZERS - Static variable in class jakarta.json.bind.JsonbConfig
Property used to specify custom deserializers.
destroy() - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.inject.Instance.Handle
Destroy the contextual instance.
destroy() - Method in class jakarta.faces.webapp.FacesServlet
Release all resources acquired at startup time.
destroy() - Method in interface jakarta.servlet.Filter
Called by the web container to indicate to a filter that it is being taken out of service.
destroy() - Method in class jakarta.servlet.GenericServlet
Called by the servlet container to indicate to a servlet that the servlet is being taken out of service.
destroy() - Method in interface jakarta.servlet.http.HttpUpgradeHandler
It is called when the client is disconnected.
destroy() - Method in interface jakarta.servlet.Servlet
Called by the servlet container to indicate to a servlet that the servlet is being taken out of service.
destroy() - Method in interface jakarta.websocket.Decoder
This method is called when the decoder is about to be removed from service in order that any resources the decoder used may be closed gracefully.
destroy() - Method in interface jakarta.websocket.Encoder
This method is called when the encoder is about to be removed from service in order that any resources the encoder used may be closed gracefully.
destroy(Contextual<?>) - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.context.spi.AlterableContext
Destroy the existing contextual instance.
destroy(ServletContext, FacesContext) - Method in class com.sun.faces.config.ConfigManager
This method will remove any information about the application.
destroy(ServletContext, FacesContext) - Method in class com.sun.faces.config.processor.AbstractConfigProcessor
destroy(ServletContext, FacesContext) - Method in class com.sun.faces.config.processor.ApplicationConfigProcessor
destroy(ServletContext, FacesContext) - Method in interface com.sun.faces.config.processor.ConfigProcessor
destroy(ServletContext, FacesContext) - Method in class com.sun.faces.config.processor.LifecycleConfigProcessor
destroy(T) - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.inject.Instance
When called, the container destroys the instance if the active context object for the scope type of the bean supports destroying bean instances.
destroy(Map<String, Object>, CreationalContext<Map<String, Object>>) - Method in class com.sun.faces.cdi.ApplicationMapProducer
Destroy the instance.
destroy(Object, CreationalContext<Object>) - Method in class com.sun.faces.cdi.ApplicationProducer
Destroy the instance.
destroy(UIComponent, CreationalContext<UIComponent>) - Method in class com.sun.faces.cdi.ComponentProducer
Destroy the instance.
destroy(Object, CreationalContext<Object>) - Method in class com.sun.faces.cdi.CompositeComponentProducer
Destroy the instance.
destroy(Map<Class<?>, Class<? extends DataModel<?>>>, CreationalContext<Map<Class<?>, Class<? extends DataModel<?>>>>) - Method in class com.sun.faces.cdi.DataModelClassesMapProducer
Destroy the instance.
destroy(ExternalContext, CreationalContext<ExternalContext>) - Method in class com.sun.faces.cdi.ExternalContextProducer
Destroy the instance.
destroy(FacesContext, CreationalContext<FacesContext>) - Method in class com.sun.faces.cdi.FacesContextProducer
Destroy the instance.
destroy(Object, CreationalContext<Object>) - Method in class com.sun.faces.cdi.FlashProducer
Destroy the instance.
destroy(Map<Object, Object>, CreationalContext<Map<Object, Object>>) - Method in class com.sun.faces.cdi.FlowMapProducer
Destroy the instance.
destroy(Flow, CreationalContext<Flow>) - Method in class com.sun.faces.cdi.FlowProducer
Destroy the instance.
destroy(Map<String, String>, CreationalContext<Map<String, String>>) - Method in class com.sun.faces.cdi.HeaderMapProducer
Destroy the instance.
destroy(Map<String, String[]>, CreationalContext<Map<String, String[]>>) - Method in class com.sun.faces.cdi.HeaderValuesMapProducer
Destroy the instance.
destroy(Map<String, String>, CreationalContext<Map<String, String>>) - Method in class com.sun.faces.cdi.InitParameterMapProducer
Destroy the instance.
destroy(Object, CreationalContext<Object>) - Method in class com.sun.faces.cdi.ManagedPropertyProducer
Destroy the instance.
destroy(Map<String, Object>, CreationalContext<Map<String, Object>>) - Method in class com.sun.faces.cdi.RequestCookieMapProducer
Destroy the instance.
destroy(Map<String, Object>, CreationalContext<Map<String, Object>>) - Method in class com.sun.faces.cdi.RequestMapProducer
Destroy the instance.
destroy(Map<String, String>, CreationalContext<Map<String, String>>) - Method in class com.sun.faces.cdi.RequestParameterMapProducer
Destroy the instance.
destroy(Map<String, String[]>, CreationalContext<Map<String, String[]>>) - Method in class com.sun.faces.cdi.RequestParameterValuesMapProducer
Destroy the instance.
destroy(Object, CreationalContext<Object>) - Method in class com.sun.faces.cdi.RequestProducer
Destroy the instance.
destroy(ResourceHandler, CreationalContext<ResourceHandler>) - Method in class com.sun.faces.cdi.ResourceHandlerProducer
Destroy the instance.
destroy(Map<String, Object>, CreationalContext<Map<String, Object>>) - Method in class com.sun.faces.cdi.SessionMapProducer
Destroy the instance.
destroy(Object, CreationalContext<Object>) - Method in class com.sun.faces.cdi.SessionProducer
Destroy the instance.
destroy(Map<String, Object>, CreationalContext<Map<String, Object>>) - Method in class com.sun.faces.cdi.ViewMapProducer
Destroy the instance.
destroy(UIViewRoot, CreationalContext<UIViewRoot>) - Method in class com.sun.faces.cdi.ViewProducer
Destroy the instance.
destroy(T, CreationalContext<T>) - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.context.spi.Contextual
Destroy an instance of the contextual type.
destroyBeans(FacesContext, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.sun.faces.application.view.ViewScopeManager
Destroy the managed beans from the given view map.
Destroyed - Annotation Interface in jakarta.enterprise.context
An event with this qualifier is fired when a context is destroyed, i.e.
Destroyed.Literal - Class in jakarta.enterprise.context
Supports inline instantiation of the Destroyed qualifier.
destroyInstance(ServletContext, FacesContext, String, Object) - Method in class com.sun.faces.config.processor.AbstractConfigProcessor
destroyWith(BiConsumer<T, CreationalContext<T>>) - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi.configurator.BeanConfigurator
Set a callback to destroy a bean instance.
detach(Object) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityManager
Evict the given managed or removed entity from the persistence context, causing the entity to become immediately detached.
DETACH - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.CascadeType
Cascade the detach operation
detachListener(RegistrationListener, String, String) - Method in class
Disassociate the listener from all the provider registrations whose layer and appContext values are matched by the corresponding arguments to this method.
detachNode() - Method in interface jakarta.xml.soap.Node
Removes this Node object from the tree.
Detail - Interface in jakarta.xml.soap
A container for DetailEntry objects.
DetailEntry - Interface in jakarta.xml.soap
The content for a Detail object, giving details for a SOAPFault object.
determineContentType(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.sun.faces.renderkit.RenderKitUtils
Given an accept String from the client, and a String of server supported content types, determine the best qualified content type for the client.
Development - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.application.ProjectStage
This value indicates the currently running application is right now, at this moment, being developed.
DEVELOPMENT_STAGE_MESSAGES_ID - Static variable in class com.sun.faces.renderkit.RenderKitUtils
DevTools - Class in com.sun.faces.facelets.util
Utility class for displaying Facelet error/debug information.
diff(Expression<? extends N>, Expression<? extends N>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an expression that returns the difference between its arguments.
diff(Expression<? extends N>, N) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an expression that returns the difference between its arguments.
diff(N, Expression<? extends N>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create an expression that returns the difference between its arguments.
DIGEST_AUTH - Static variable in class jakarta.faces.context.ExternalContext
String identifier for DIGEST authentication.
DIGEST_AUTH - Static variable in interface jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest
String identifier for Digest authentication.
DIGEST_AUTH - Static variable in interface
String identifier for Digest authentication.
DigestRequest(byte[], String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a DigestRequest with a digest value and algorithm identifier.
Digits - Annotation Interface in jakarta.validation.constraints
The annotated element must be a number within accepted range.
Digits.List - Annotation Interface in jakarta.validation.constraints
Defines several Digits annotations on the same element.
dir - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlBody.PropertyKeys
dir - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlCommandButton.PropertyKeys
dir - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlCommandLink.PropertyKeys
dir - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlDataTable.PropertyKeys
dir - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlForm.PropertyKeys
dir - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlGraphicImage.PropertyKeys
dir - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlHead.PropertyKeys
dir - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlInputFile.PropertyKeys
dir - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlInputSecret.PropertyKeys
dir - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlInputText.PropertyKeys
dir - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlInputTextarea.PropertyKeys
dir - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlMessage.PropertyKeys
dir - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlMessages.PropertyKeys
dir - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlOutcomeTargetButton.PropertyKeys
dir - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlOutcomeTargetLink.PropertyKeys
dir - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlOutputFormat.PropertyKeys
dir - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlOutputLabel.PropertyKeys
dir - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlOutputLink.PropertyKeys
dir - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlOutputText.PropertyKeys
dir - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlPanelGrid.PropertyKeys
dir - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectBooleanCheckbox.PropertyKeys
dir - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectManyCheckbox.PropertyKeys
dir - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectManyListbox.PropertyKeys
dir - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectManyMenu.PropertyKeys
dir - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectOneListbox.PropertyKeys
dir - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectOneMenu.PropertyKeys
dir - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectOneRadio.PropertyKeys
Direction - Enum Class in
Represents the direction of the ordering.
DISABLE_DEFAULT_BEAN_VALIDATOR_PARAM_NAME - Static variable in class jakarta.faces.validator.BeanValidator
If this param is defined, and calling toLowerCase().equals(“true”) on a String representation of its value returns true, the runtime must not automatically add the validator with validator-id equal to the value of the symbolic constant BeanValidator.VALIDATOR_ID to the list of default validators.
DISABLE_FACESSERVLET_TO_XHTML_PARAM_NAME - Static variable in class jakarta.faces.webapp.FacesServlet
The ServletContext init parameter consulted by the runtime to tell if the automatic mapping of the FacesServlet to the extension *.xhtml should be disabled.
DISABLE_SELECTIVE - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.SharedCacheMode
Caching is enabled for all entities except those for which Cacheable(false) is specified.
DisableClientStateEncryption - Enum constant in enum class com.sun.faces.config.WebConfiguration.BooleanWebContextInitParameter
disableClientWindowRenderMode(FacesContext) - Method in class jakarta.faces.lifecycle.ClientWindow
Components that permit per-use disabling of the appending of the ClientWindow in generated URLs must call this method first before rendering those URLs.
disableClientWindowRenderMode(FacesContext) - Method in class jakarta.faces.lifecycle.ClientWindowWrapper
disableConversion() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.Convert
Disables an auto-apply or inherited converter.
disabled - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlCommandButton.PropertyKeys
disabled - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlCommandLink.PropertyKeys
disabled - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlInputFile.PropertyKeys
disabled - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlInputSecret.PropertyKeys
disabled - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlInputText.PropertyKeys
disabled - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlInputTextarea.PropertyKeys
disabled - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlOutcomeTargetButton.PropertyKeys
disabled - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlOutcomeTargetLink.PropertyKeys
disabled - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlOutputLink.PropertyKeys
disabled - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectBooleanCheckbox.PropertyKeys
disabled - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectManyCheckbox.PropertyKeys
disabled - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectManyListbox.PropertyKeys
disabled - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectManyMenu.PropertyKeys
disabled - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectOneListbox.PropertyKeys
disabled - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectOneMenu.PropertyKeys
disabled - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectOneRadio.PropertyKeys
DISABLED_VALIDATORS - Static variable in class com.sun.faces.util.RequestStateManager
Used to communicate which validators have been disabled for a particular nesting level within a view.
disabledClass - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectManyCheckbox.PropertyKeys
disabledClass - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectManyListbox.PropertyKeys
disabledClass - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectManyMenu.PropertyKeys
disabledClass - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectOneListbox.PropertyKeys
disabledClass - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectOneMenu.PropertyKeys
disabledClass - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectOneRadio.PropertyKeys
DisableDefaultBeanValidator - Enum constant in enum class com.sun.faces.config.WebConfiguration.BooleanWebContextInitParameter
disableDefaultConstraintViolation() - Method in interface jakarta.validation.ConstraintValidatorContext
Disables the default ConstraintViolation object generation (which is using the message template declared on the constraint).
disableDiscovery() - Method in class
By default, the discovery is enabled.
disableEL() - Method in class com.sun.faces.application.resource.ClientResourceInfo
Disables EL evaluation for this resource.
DisableFacesServletAutomaticMapping - Enum constant in enum class com.sun.faces.config.WebConfiguration.BooleanWebContextInitParameter
DisableIdUniquenessCheck - Enum constant in enum class com.sun.faces.config.WebConfiguration.BooleanWebContextInitParameter
DisableUnicodeEscaping - Enum constant in enum class com.sun.faces.config.WebConfiguration.WebContextInitParameter
DisallowDoctypeDecl - Enum constant in enum class com.sun.faces.config.WebConfiguration.BooleanWebContextInitParameter
DiscoverableInjectionProvider - Class in com.sun.faces.spi
InjectionProviders that implement this interface can be configured via META-INF/services/com.sun.faces.spi.injectionprovider.
DiscoverableInjectionProvider() - Constructor for class com.sun.faces.spi.DiscoverableInjectionProvider
discoveredProviders - Static variable in class jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi.CDI
The set of discovered CDIProviders
Discovery - Annotation Interface in
1st phase of build compatible extension execution.
Discovery of Jakarta XML Binding implementation - Search tag in class jakarta.xml.bind.JAXBContext
Discovery of SAAJ implementation - Search tag in package jakarta.xml.soap
discriminatorColumn() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.EntityResult
Specifies the column name (or alias) of the column in the SELECT list that is used to determine the type of the entity instance.
DiscriminatorColumn - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Specifies the discriminator column for the SINGLE_TABLE and JOINED inheritance mapping strategies.
discriminatorType() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.persistence.DiscriminatorColumn
(Optional) The type of object/column to use as a class discriminator.
DiscriminatorType - Enum Class in jakarta.persistence
Defines supported types of the discriminator column.
DiscriminatorValue - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
Specifies the value of the discriminator column for the annotated entity type.
disjunction() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a disjunction (with zero disjuncts).
dispatch() - Method in interface jakarta.servlet.AsyncContext
Dispatches the request and response objects of this AsyncContext to the servlet container.
dispatch(ServletContext, String) - Method in interface jakarta.servlet.AsyncContext
Dispatches the request and response objects of this AsyncContext to the given path scoped to the given context.
dispatch(String) - Method in class com.sun.faces.config.initfacescontext.ServletContextAdapter
dispatch(String) - Method in class com.sun.faces.context.ExternalContextImpl
dispatch(String) - Method in class jakarta.faces.context.ExternalContext
Dispatch a request to the specified resource to create output for this response.
dispatch(String) - Method in class jakarta.faces.context.ExternalContextWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call ExternalContext.dispatch(String) on the wrapped ExternalContext object.
dispatch(String) - Method in interface jakarta.servlet.AsyncContext
Dispatches the request and response objects of this AsyncContext to the given path.
Dispatch<T> - Interface in
The Dispatch interface provides support for the dynamic invocation of a service endpoint operations.
DispatcherType - Enum Class in jakarta.servlet
Enumeration of filter dispatcher types.
dispatcherTypes() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.servlet.annotation.WebFilter
The dispatcher types to which the filter applies
display() - Element in annotation interface
DISPLAY - Static variable in interface
DISPLAY_VALUES_SUPPORTED - Static variable in interface
DisplayConfiguration - Enum constant in enum class com.sun.faces.config.WebConfiguration.BooleanWebContextInitParameter
displayExpression() - Element in annotation interface
displayName() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.servlet.annotation.WebFilter
The display name of the filter
displayName() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.servlet.annotation.WebServlet
The display name of the servlet
DisplayType - Enum Class in
Display specifies how the Authorization Server displays the authentication and consent user interface pages to the End-User.
dispose() - Method in class jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi.Unmanaged.UnmanagedInstance
Dispose of the instance, doing any necessary cleanup
dispose(T) - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi.Producer
Destroys the instance.
dispose(T, Instance<Object>, Parameters) - Method in interface
Destroys an instance of the synthetic bean.
disposedParameter() - Method in interface
Returns the declaration of the disposed parameter of this disposer method.
disposer() - Method in interface
Returns the disposer method of this producer-based bean.
DisposerInfo - Interface in
Disposer methods may exist for producer-based beans.
disposerMethod() - Method in interface
Returns the declaration of this disposer method.
Disposes - Annotation Interface in jakarta.enterprise.inject
Identifies the disposed parameter of a disposer method.
disposeWith(Class<? extends SyntheticBeanDisposer<T>>) - Method in interface
Sets the class of the synthetic bean destruction function.
disposeWith(BiConsumer<T, Instance<Object>>) - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi.configurator.BeanConfigurator
Set a callback to destroy a bean instance.
disposeWith(Consumer<T>) - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi.configurator.ProducerConfigurator
Set a callback to destroy the produced instance.
distinct(boolean) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.AbstractQuery
Specify whether duplicate query results are eliminated.
distinct(boolean) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaQuery
Specify whether duplicate query results are eliminated.
distinct(boolean) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.Subquery
Specify whether duplicate query results are eliminated.
doAfterBody() - Method in class jakarta.servlet.jsp.jstl.core.LoopTagSupport
Continues the iteration when appropriate -- that is, if we (a) have more items and (b) don't run over our 'end' (given our 'step').
doAfterBody() - Method in class jakarta.servlet.jsp.tagext.BodyTagSupport
After the body evaluation: do not reevaluate and continue with the page.
doAfterBody() - Method in interface jakarta.servlet.jsp.tagext.IterationTag
Process body (re)evaluation.
doAfterBody() - Method in class jakarta.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagSupport
Default processing for a body.
doCatch(Throwable) - Method in class jakarta.servlet.jsp.jstl.core.LoopTagSupport
Rethrows the given Throwable.
doCatch(Throwable) - Method in interface jakarta.servlet.jsp.tagext.TryCatchFinally
Invoked if a Throwable occurs while evaluating the BODY inside a tag or in any of the following methods: Tag.doStartTag(), Tag.doEndTag(), IterationTag.doAfterBody() and BodyTag.doInitBody().
doCompile(CompilationManager, SAXCompiler.CompilationHandler, URL, String) - Method in class com.sun.faces.facelets.compiler.SAXCompiler
doCompile(URL, String) - Method in class com.sun.faces.facelets.compiler.Compiler
doCompile(URL, String) - Method in class com.sun.faces.facelets.compiler.SAXCompiler
Doctype - Interface in jakarta.faces.component
Doctype is an interface that must be implemented by any UIComponent that represents a document type declaration.
DoctypeRenderer - Class in com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic
DoctypeRenderer() - Constructor for class com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.DoctypeRenderer
DOCUMENT - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.jws.soap.SOAPBinding.Style
DOCUMENT_NAMESPACE - Static variable in class com.sun.faces.RIConstants
DOCUMENT_VERSION - Static variable in class com.sun.faces.RIConstants
DocumentInfo - Class in com.sun.faces.config.manager.documents
Associates a Document with a source URL.
DocumentInfo(Document, URI) - Constructor for class com.sun.faces.config.manager.documents.DocumentInfo
DocumentOrderingWrapper - Class in com.sun.faces.config.manager.documents
This class is used by the config system to order faces-config documents found on the classpath or configured explicitly via the jakarta.faces.CONFIG_FILES context init parameter.
DocumentOrderingWrapper(DocumentInfo) - Constructor for class com.sun.faces.config.manager.documents.DocumentOrderingWrapper
Constructs a new DocumentOrderingWrapper for the specified Document.
Documents - Class in com.sun.faces.config.manager
Documents() - Constructor for class com.sun.faces.config.manager.Documents
doDelete(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServlet
Called by the server (via the service method) to allow a servlet to handle a DELETE request.
doEndTag() - Method in class jakarta.servlet.jsp.tagext.BodyTagSupport
Default processing of the end tag returning EVAL_PAGE.
doEndTag() - Method in interface jakarta.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag
Process the end tag for this instance.
doEndTag() - Method in class jakarta.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagAdapter
Must not be called.
doEndTag() - Method in class jakarta.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagSupport
Default processing of the end tag returning EVAL_PAGE.
doExistingComponentActions(FaceletContext, String, UIComponent) - Method in class com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.faces.ComponentTagHandlerDelegateImpl
doFilter(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class jakarta.servlet.http.HttpFilter
The doFilter method of the Filter is called by the container each time a request/response pair is passed through the chain due to a client request for a resource at the end of the chain.
doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse) - Method in interface jakarta.servlet.FilterChain
Causes the next filter in the chain to be invoked, or if the calling filter is the last filter in the chain, causes the resource at the end of the chain to be invoked.
doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in interface jakarta.servlet.Filter
The doFilter method of the Filter is called by the container each time a request/response pair is passed through the chain due to a client request for a resource at the end of the chain.
doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class jakarta.servlet.http.HttpFilter
The doFilter method of the Filter is called by the container each time a request/response pair is passed through the chain due to a client request for a resource at the end of the chain.
doFinally() - Method in class jakarta.servlet.jsp.jstl.core.LoopTagSupport
Removes any attributes that this LoopTagSupport set.
doFinally() - Method in interface jakarta.servlet.jsp.tagext.TryCatchFinally
Invoked in all cases after doEndTag() for any class implementing Tag, IterationTag or BodyTag.
doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServlet
Called by the server (via the service method) to allow a servlet to handle a GET request.
doGetState(FacesContext, String) - Method in class com.sun.faces.renderkit.ClientSideStateHelper
Rebuilds the view state from the Base64 included String included with the request.
doHead(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServlet
Receives an HTTP HEAD request from the protected service method and handles the request.
doInitBody() - Method in interface jakarta.servlet.jsp.tagext.BodyTag
Prepare for evaluation of the body.
doInitBody() - Method in class jakarta.servlet.jsp.tagext.BodyTagSupport
Prepare for evaluation of the body just before the first body evaluation: no action.
doLastPhaseActions(FacesContext, boolean) - Method in class com.sun.faces.context.flash.ELFlash
This is the most magic of methods.
domain(String) - Method in class
Set the domain of the cookie.
doMetadataCompile(URL, String) - Method in class com.sun.faces.facelets.compiler.Compiler
doMetadataCompile(URL, String) - Method in class com.sun.faces.facelets.compiler.SAXCompiler
DomHandler<ElementT,ResultT> - Interface in jakarta.xml.bind.annotation
Converts an element (and its descendants) from/to DOM (or similar) representation.
done(DocumentOrderingWrapper[], LinkedList<String>) - Static method in class com.sun.faces.config.manager.documents.DocumentOrderingWrapper
doNewComponentActions(FaceletContext, String, UIComponent) - Method in class com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.faces.ComponentTagHandlerDelegateImpl
doNothing() - Method in interface
Instructs the container to "do nothing".
doNothing() - Method in class
dontRollbackOn() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.transaction.Transactional
The dontRollbackOn element can be set to indicate exceptions that must not cause the interceptor to mark the transaction for rollback.
doOptions(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServlet
Called by the server (via the service method) to allow a servlet to handle a OPTIONS request.
doOrphanedChildCleanup(FaceletContext, UIComponent, UIComponent) - Method in class com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.faces.ComponentTagHandlerDelegateImpl
doOrphanedChildCleanup(FaceletContext, UIComponent, UIComponent) - Method in class com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.faces.html.ComponentResourceDelegate
doPatch(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServlet
Called by the server (via the service method) to allow a servlet to handle a PATCH request.
doPhase(FacesContext, Lifecycle, ListIterator<PhaseListener>) - Method in class com.sun.faces.lifecycle.Phase
Performs PhaseListener processing and invokes the execute method of the Phase.
doPhase(FacesContext, Lifecycle, ListIterator<PhaseListener>) - Method in class com.sun.faces.lifecycle.RestoreViewPhase
doPost(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServlet
Called by the server (via the service method) to allow a servlet to handle a POST request.
doPostBringupActions() - Method in class com.sun.faces.config.WebConfiguration
doPostPhaseActions(FacesContext) - Method in class com.sun.faces.config.initfacescontext.NoOpFlash
doPostPhaseActions(FacesContext) - Method in class com.sun.faces.context.flash.ELFlash
doPostPhaseActions(FacesContext) - Method in class jakarta.faces.context.Flash
Called after the execution of every lifecycle phase, this method allows implementations to take the necessary actions to provide the Flash scope contract as it applies to the request procesing lifecycle.
doPostPhaseActions(FacesContext) - Method in class jakarta.faces.context.FlashWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call Flash.doPostPhaseActions(FacesContext) on the wrapped Flash object.
doPrePhaseActions(FacesContext) - Method in class com.sun.faces.config.initfacescontext.NoOpFlash
doPrePhaseActions(FacesContext) - Method in class com.sun.faces.context.flash.ELFlash
doPrePhaseActions(FacesContext) - Method in class jakarta.faces.context.Flash
Called before the execution of every lifecycle phase, this method allows implementations to take the necessary actions to provide the Flash scope contract as it applies to the request procesing lifecycle.
doPrePhaseActions(FacesContext) - Method in class jakarta.faces.context.FlashWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call Flash.doPrePhaseActions(FacesContext) on the wrapped Flash object.
doPut(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServlet
Called by the server (via the service method) to allow a servlet to handle a PUT request.
doStartTag() - Method in class jakarta.servlet.jsp.jstl.core.ConditionalTagSupport
Includes its body if condition() evaluates to true.
doStartTag() - Method in class jakarta.servlet.jsp.jstl.core.LoopTagSupport
Begins iterating by processing the first item.
doStartTag() - Method in class jakarta.servlet.jsp.tagext.BodyTagSupport
Default processing of the start tag returning EVAL_BODY_BUFFERED.
doStartTag() - Method in interface jakarta.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag
Process the start tag for this instance.
doStartTag() - Method in class jakarta.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagAdapter
Must not be called.
doStartTag() - Method in class jakarta.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagSupport
Default processing of the start tag, returning SKIP_BODY.
doTag() - Method in interface jakarta.servlet.jsp.tagext.SimpleTag
Called by the container to invoke this tag.
doTag() - Method in class jakarta.servlet.jsp.tagext.SimpleTagSupport
Default processing of the tag does nothing.
DOTALL - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.validation.constraints.Pattern.Flag
Enables dotall mode.
doTrace(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServlet
Called by the server (via the service method) to allow a servlet to handle a TRACE request.
DOUBLE - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.enterprise.lang.model.AnnotationMember.Kind
A primitive double value.
DOUBLE - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.enterprise.lang.model.types.PrimitiveType.PrimitiveKind
The double primitive type
DOUBLE_ID - Static variable in class jakarta.faces.convert.DoubleConverter
The message identifier of the FacesMessage to be created if the conversion to Double fails.
DoubleConverter - Class in jakarta.faces.convert
Converter implementation for java.lang.Double (and double primitive) values.
DoubleConverter() - Constructor for class jakarta.faces.convert.DoubleConverter
DoubleRangeValidator - Class in jakarta.faces.validator
DoubleRangeValidator is a Validator that checks the value of the corresponding component against specified minimum and maximum values.
DoubleRangeValidator() - Constructor for class jakarta.faces.validator.DoubleRangeValidator
Construct a Validator with no preconfigured limits.
DoubleRangeValidator(double) - Constructor for class jakarta.faces.validator.DoubleRangeValidator
Construct a Validator with the specified preconfigured limit.
DoubleRangeValidator(double, double) - Constructor for class jakarta.faces.validator.DoubleRangeValidator
Construct a Validator with the specified preconfigured limits.
doubleValue() - Method in interface jakarta.json.JsonNumber
Returns this JSON number as a double.
doWriteState(FacesContext, Object, Writer) - Method in class com.sun.faces.renderkit.ClientSideStateHelper
Serializes and Base64 encodes the provided state to the provided writer/
drop(boolean) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.SchemaManager
Drop database objects mapped by entities belonging to the persistence unit, undoing the effects of the previous creation.
DTD_SCHEMA_INFO - Static variable in class com.sun.faces.config.manager.FacesSchema.Schemas
Contains associations between grammar name and the physical resource.
DUPLICATE_COMPONENT_ID_ERROR_ID - Static variable in class com.sun.faces.util.MessageUtils
DuplicateJARPattern - Enum constant in enum class com.sun.faces.config.WebConfiguration.WebContextInitParameter
DuplicateKeyException - Exception Class in jakarta.ejb
The DuplicateKeyException exception is thrown if an entity EJB object or enterprise bean local object cannot be created because an object with the same key already exists.
DuplicateKeyException() - Constructor for exception class jakarta.ejb.DuplicateKeyException
Constructs a DuplicateKeyException with no detail message.
DuplicateKeyException(String) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.ejb.DuplicateKeyException
Constructs a DuplicateKeyException with the specified detail message.
during() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.enterprise.event.Observes
DYNAMIC_ACTIONS - Static variable in class com.sun.faces.RIConstants
Marker used when saving the list of component adds and removes.
DYNAMIC_CHILD_COUNT - Static variable in class com.sun.faces.RIConstants
Marker attached to a component that has dynamic children.
DYNAMIC_COMPONENT - Static variable in class com.sun.faces.RIConstants
Marker attached to a component that was added dynamically.
DYNAMIC_SOAP_PROTOCOL - Static variable in interface jakarta.xml.soap.SOAPConstants
Used to create MessageFactory instances that create SOAPMessages whose concrete type is based on the Content-Type MIME header passed to the createMessage method.
DynamicAddRemoveListener(FacesContext) - Constructor for class com.sun.faces.context.StateContext.DynamicAddRemoveListener
dynamicallyCastCollection(Collection<?>, Class<E>, Class<TypedC>) - Static method in class com.sun.faces.util.TypedCollections
Dynamically check that the members of the collection are all instances of the given type (or null), and that the collection itself is of the given collection type.
dynamicallyCastList(List<?>, Class<E>) - Static method in class com.sun.faces.util.TypedCollections
Dynamically check that the members of the list are all instances of the given type (or null).
dynamicallyCastMap(Map<?, ?>, Class<K>, Class<V>) - Static method in class com.sun.faces.util.TypedCollections
Dynamically check that the keys and values in the map are all instances of the correct types (or null).
dynamicallyCastSet(Set<?>, Class<E>) - Static method in class com.sun.faces.util.TypedCollections
Dynamically check that the members of the set are all instances of the given type (or null).
DynamicAttributes - Interface in jakarta.servlet.jsp.tagext
For a tag to declare that it accepts dynamic attributes, it must implement this interface.
DynamicFeature - Interface in
A JAX-RS meta-provider for dynamic registration of post-matching providers during a JAX-RS application setup at deployment time.
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